Chapter 244 The Eloquent Su Mo

"Mecillo!" Kanoch shouted his name hysterically, and slapped the wall next to him, the temperature in his eyes suddenly dropped, "Aren't you afraid that her identity will be exposed if you bring Su Mo here like this? "

"If grandpa thinks that exposing Su Mo is meaningful to you, you can do it. She doesn't care, and neither do I." Moxiluo's lips showed a sneer, and he spoke extremely easily.

In fact, this is just an appearance.

He couldn't let Kanocci see how much he valued, the more he realized how much he cared about this matter, the more he would grab the pain and threaten him fiercely.

Although Feng Sumo told him that it doesn't matter, she is not afraid, but he will not bear it.

If this can be avoided, Mexilo naturally hopes that her secret will be kept forever.

Kanoqi was so angry that his lips turned pale, his hands trembled, and he really wanted to slap him, but he couldn't bear it no matter what.

This child is his own grandson, who he watched grow up...

"If it's okay, I'll go first." Moxiluo took a deep breath, turned around and strode out of the room.

Beside the fountain in the garden, Feng Sumo stood by the pool, staring absentmindedly at the ever-changing night lights in the pool, his heart fluttering.

She didn't know what Canocci would say to Mesilo, but she was afraid that Canocchi would think of other ways to threaten Mecillo to do what he didn't want to do.

Holding two glasses of wine, Princess Su Rui walked towards Feng Sumo slowly, and smiled at her, "Hello."

Feng Sumo came back to his senses after that sweet voice, and looked at Su Rui with momentary surprise.

"Let's have a drink together." Passing a glass of wine to her, Su Rui took a sip and looked at her again, "I know, you are the ex-wife of Crown Prince Heller."

Ex-wife, ex-wife, now he has nothing to do with her!

Feng Sumo took the wine glass in her hand, looked at the red wine in the glass, looked directly at her, and opened his mouth leisurely.

"You are the blind date arranged by the prince for Xiluo. The first time I saw reports about you was abroad. At that time, Xiluo was completely unaware of this matter. The current media spread is really fast. Unknown rumors are already flying all over the sky."

In a few words, the sarcasm was subtle, but yet sharp, so what about the ex-wife, no matter what, she was more intimate than the blind date she hadn't even had anything to do with.

The whole thing was arranged by Canocci at all, and it had nothing to do with Mecillo from the beginning to the end.

Su Rui changed his face slightly after her words, his hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly, his eyelashes fluttered a few times, and a trace of sarcasm escaped from the corner of his lips, "It was rumored that the former Crown Princess of Monaco was born in a businessman's family , it must have been very difficult to marry into the royal family back then, right?"

"Princess Su Rui, this is a story between me and Xiluo. I don't think it is necessary to share it with others." Feng Sumo was very upset when he heard it, and he turned around and went to the living room. "I'll go see if Xiluo is alright, I should be worried if he can't find him."

To ridicule her that a sparrow has turned into a phoenix?
So what if it's ordinary?

What Mexilo likes is her sparrow!

As long as Moxiluo doesn't let go, she will never let go of this relationship!

Su Rui quietly watched her leaving figure, his lake-green eyes sparked waves of undercurrents.

It seems that she is a proud woman.

(End of this chapter)

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