Chapter 255 Mo, Is That You

Ian looked at Feng Sumo's leaving figure, thinking that nothing would happen in the palace, and continued playing with Lance.

From beginning to end, Berg, who had been sitting quietly, looked sideways at Feng Sumo's figure in the distance, his eyes lowered, he pondered for a while, and walked over in a few steps.

Feng Sumo drank a little too much, his steps were a little unsteady, his head was a little groggy, and he just wanted to find a place with a little wind to wake up, but before he got close to the lake, he staggered and fell to the ground.

Feng Sumo rubbed his elbow that was sore from being bumped, and struggled to get up, but a pair of slender legs suddenly stood in front of her, and before she could react, he squatted down and stretched out his hand towards her on the ground , "I'll help you."

Feng Sumo slowly raised his head, and his eyes met Berg's blue eyes.

She was conscious, stunned for a moment, and stretched out her hand to him, "Thank you."

With a little force in his hand, Berg easily pulled her up. Looking at her somewhat worn elbow, he couldn't help stretching his hand towards her injured place.

Feng Sumo withdrew his hand reflexively, covering his injured part, "I'm fine."

Berg withdrew his hand and said nothing.

"Are you coming out to breathe too?" Feng Sumo didn't know Berg well, and he seldom talked, let alone chatted.

"I don't like the atmosphere there very much." Berger answered truthfully, looking at the cool lake.

"Lance is very nice. If you don't want to stay here, he won't mind you leaving." Feng Sumo smiled and suggested for him.

"Really?" Berg asked indifferently, squinting at her side face flushed with alcohol from the corner of his eyes, his eyes were dark and fleeting.

"If you think you shouldn't leave, then integrate yourself into it and have a good time, it's a waste of time anyway, and the prince is not here." Feng Sumo glanced sideways at the empty environment behind him, and continued to suggest.

The corners of Berg's lips raised slightly, but he didn't answer.

Feng Sumo only thought that he was born with few words, and didn't pay much attention to it.

In the palace, Su Rui stood by the door and tried several times to push the door open, but he was worried that Mesilo's drug attack was not deep enough, and he was afraid that if he went early, things would be bad, so he finally endured it.

Standing at the door for several minutes, guessing that the time should be almost up, Su Rui suddenly pushed the door and walked in.

Moxiluo sat on the sofa, leaning against the back of the sofa, his handsome face was flushed, his brows were furrowed, his eyes were slightly closed, and his expression seemed to be trying to hold back something.

Hearing footsteps approaching, a voice so low that it was stained with jade suddenly sounded from the side of the head, "Mo, is that you?"

The four eyes collided.

Moxiluo looked at Su Rui who was walking towards him, his piercing red eyes sharpened sharply, and the sharp eyes shot at her, "Why did you appear here?"

Su Rui's heart trembled unexpectedly, and his face was slightly embarrassed. However, it only took a few seconds before he returned to normal.

"I was just passing by, and I happened to see you inside, so I came in to say hello." Distorting his purpose of coming here indifferently, Su Rui walked towards him slowly.

Moxiluo looked into her eyes coldly with black eyes, the eyes were so sharp that they seemed to be able to penetrate people.

"What's the matter with you?" Su Rui walked to him, and consciously slid the hand painted with Koudan across his neck, and moved his body a little closer to him, asking knowingly.

"Get out!" Moxiluo uttered two words coldly, and his eyes fell on her hands.

"But, you seem to be sick." Su Rui looked at his face pretending to be confused, and lightly touched his forehead.

"I told you to get out!" Moxiluo endured the heat of his limbs moving, and there was a hint of gloom in his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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