Chapter 268 Depressed Young Master Mo

Mesilo has grown up so much, the first time he spent a night with three people, when he woke up the next day, his expression was more tangled, how tangled.

Feng Shuyu was sitting in front of the vanity mirror in the room, Feng Sumo was helping her comb her long hair, the mother and daughter gathered together, both faces were equally eye-catching, like a beautiful picture scroll.

"Mommy, Xiaoqi's back hurts so much." Feng Shuyu rubbed the lower part of her shoulders, Xiuya's eyebrows like a crescent moon were slightly frowned.

"Mummy, help me take a look." Feng Sumo lifted the hem of her clothes, glanced at her smooth back, and was relieved to find no signs of injury.

"It hurts here too." Feng Shuyu stretched out his hand to his little PP, with a dazed expression on his face.

Why do I wake up with so many pains in my body?

The bed is too hard?
Feng Sumo was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood.

Did you hurt last night?

Last night, after finding her falling, she picked her up, but she just muttered vaguely a few times. Feng Sumo thought she was fine, so he didn't care.

I can't believe it's going to hurt today...

"Mexiluo!" Feng Sumo turned his head to the side, staring fiercely at Moxiluo who was leaning lazily beside the two of them, with reproach in his eyes.

Moxiluo lowered his eyes lightly, touched his nose, the corners of his lips, and a faint smile appeared.

"Xiao Qi, Daddy is going to book another room for you today." Thinking about the difficult night yesterday, Moxiluo began to send someone.

There were no rooms in the hotel last night, but it doesn't mean there will be no rooms today.

"No, I like to sleep with Mommy." Xiao Qi turned sideways, hugged Feng Sumo, and shook his head at him.

"No." Moxiluo's face changed, and his domineering nature was accidentally revealed.

"But...Xiaoqi will be scared when she sleeps alone." Feng Shuyu looked at Feng Sumo pitifully, hoping she could say something for him.

"Xiaoqi won't be able to sleep alone in an unfamiliar environment." Feng Sumo echoed cooperatively.

Having raised Feng Shuyu for four years, Feng Sumo knows her well.

"I won't be able to sleep if she's here," Mecillo said mercilessly.

"Why?" Baby Shu Yu was very curious, staring at Moxiluo with innocent eyes, full of confusion.

"Because, I do a lot of things..." Moxiluo thought for a while, and was about to explain, but before he finished speaking, he was stopped by Feng Sumo's fierce eyes.

"Xiao Qi, don't pay attention to Daddy's words, Mommy will accompany you tonight." Feng Sumo glared at Moxiluo, and coaxed Xiao Qi softly.

"En." Feng Shuyu nodded, and smiled sweetly at Feng Sumo.

Mexilo felt that he had no right to speak.

There is a feeling of being completely ignored.

Looking at Feng Sumo's skin as fine as porcelain, he really wanted to ravage her, to prove his existence, but, considering the welfare of tonight, he endured it.

If she really bullied her, maybe, she took Xiao Qi to open another room...

During the day, Feng Shuyu stuck to Feng Sumo tightly, and her small figure never disappeared from her side, which caused Moxiluo to try to do something several times, but failed.

So, for the second time, His Highness Xi Luo had the idea that he should not bring two children here.

In the evening, a family of four sat at the dining table in the hotel. Moxiluo, who was squeezed by Feng Shuyu to sit with Mia, looked at the mother and daughter sitting opposite him expressionlessly, and couldn't help frowning.

"Xiao Qi, sleep with Mia tonight." Mexiro continued to suggest.

Feng Shuyu, who was buried in her meal, raised her head after those words, looked at Mia with big watery eyes across the small table, and nodded in a daze.

Satisfied, Moxiluo raised the corners of his lips slightly, and smiled with a deep meaning...

(End of this chapter)

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