Abduction of love and marriage: wrongly provoking the black emperor

Chapter 274 Long time no see, Your Royal Highness

Chapter 274 Long time no see, Your Royal Highness

On the boat, a man who looked like a waiter was walking towards the deck with a tray. Before he got on the escalator, a cold voice suddenly sounded, "Don't move!"

A chill came over the waiter's body, and he turned his head slowly.

Behind him, at some point, there was a blond man with a gun pointed at his head.

"Don't kill me...I..." The waiter trembled all over, wanting to beg, but before he finished speaking, the gun in the blond man's hand slowly pulled the trigger.

The blond man used a silencer gun. When he fired the gun, he saw only gunpowder smoke, but no sound.

After the gun was fired, the waiter's body convulsed and he fell limply to the ground.

The blond man glanced at him, with a cold smile on his lips, raised his hand, and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, there were more than a dozen people behind him. The leader was a woman with enchanting and charming purple eyes.

On the deck, Moxiluo was still waiting for Feng Sumo's answer.

Considering that the child was too young, Feng Sumo was worried, so after thinking for a while, he said, "Let's go back later!"

This time, it was Mexilo's turn to be dumb.

However, if Feng Sumo was pushed into a hurry, she would definitely shake her head.

A compromise is already a good solution.

Moxiluo nodded lightly and did not continue to say more.

Wrapping her ten fingers around her hands, they were placed side by side with his own, and his eyes were fixed on the ring on her ring finger that matched him. Mexilo was very satisfied.

On the deck, mixed with the sea breeze, a strange floral fragrance wafts in. The smell is very light, and if you don't smell it carefully, you can't smell it at all. It is lingering with the wind.

Feng Sumo reacted earlier than Moxiluo, because this smell seemed familiar.

Concentrate on it, wanting to distinguish the smell more clearly, however, the deck is too windy, it is difficult to distinguish.

Feng Sumo quickly recalled all the smells he had smelled in his head. After a brief moment of stupefaction, he suddenly raised his head and his eyes widened in shock.

It was the scent she had smelled at Hannah's the night she left Monaco seven years ago.

"Cover your mouth and nose." Aware of this problem, Feng Sumo suddenly raised his voice, reminding Moxiluo.

On the way to the deck, several small footsteps sounded suddenly, with a hint of urgency, a hint of caution, and caution.

Sensing the unusual footsteps, Mo Xiluomin pulled Feng Sumo behind her, protecting her in front of her, turned around, and looked at the corridor with vigilant eyes.

At the top of the stairs, Hannah stepped onto the deck with several men in black suits. She locked her eyes on the two people outside the guardrail and smiled slightly, "Long time no see, His Royal Highness, Su Mo... Crown Princess?"

Hearing the expected voice, Feng Sumo's face changed, and he looked at her sharply, "What is your identity?"

"Want to know?" Hannah raised her head, glanced at Koudan on her shiny nails, and smiled casually.

"Be careful, this woman used Mixiang." Feng Sumo reminded Moxiluo in a low voice, covering his mouth and nose with his hand.

"I have a good memory." Hannah smiled lightly, still speaking casually.

Moxiluo moved his wrist, trying to exert strength, but unexpectedly, his body softened.

Hannah carefully observed the movements of his hands, and the smile on the corners of his lips continued to widen.

Her fragrance is specially prepared by Cloud Gate. To deal with such a strong opponent as Mesilo, it is naturally the highest concentration. If you smell a little bit, you will have a reaction in your body.

This scent is specially prepared for him.

(End of this chapter)

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