Chapter 289 Last Night, Are You Satisfied?

Under Moxiluo's hard-working words, Feng Sumo woke up lazily at noon the next day, got out of bed, walked top-heavy, and his body didn't look like his own at all.

Thinking about the bowl of medicine she had before, Moxiluo's deep eyes fell on her blushing face, teasing and teasing, "Are you satisfied last night?"

Damn woman, dare to give him that kind of medicine!
Feng Sumo coughed uncomfortably, turned his head, looked at him, and turned his head, "Miya and Shu Yu's breakfast hasn't matched yet, I'm going to the kitchen first."

After finishing a sentence, he was about to leave the room, but his hand was pulled back by Moxiluo, and he fell back on the bed again.

"It's already noon now." Mosilo said leisurely, "Even if we stay in bed and continue to work hard for three days, Mia and Shu Yu will be well taken care of."

"I'm hungry." Feng Sumo rubbed his flat stomach, and continued to find a reason to leave.

"I'm hungry too." Moxiluo said casually, and stretched his hand towards her waist.

"Then I'll go to the kitchen to help you make something to eat." Feng Sumo took out his hand that was held by him, put on slippers, and walked out of the room with a "slap" "slap".

On the sofa in the living room, Feng Shuyu dangled her two short legs, swallowed the cake that Ji'er brought to her lips in one gulp, and drank the water that Nuo Qi was carrying in one gulp, being served very contentedly.

Mia sat at the dining table, eating her breakfast obediently, her movements were graceful like a prince.

"Princess Su Mo, you're awake." Ji Er first spotted Feng Su Mo approaching, and greeted her with a smile.

"En." Feng Sumo walked to the dining table, poured a glass of water, and drank it leisurely.

Mia stopped eating, looked up at her, looked at her blushing face, and suddenly asked, "Mummy, are you sick?"

"Little devil, you cursed me just after I woke up?" Feng Sumo put the water glass aside and sat beside him.

Miya pointed to her flushed face and explained seriously, "Mummy looks like she has a fever."

Feng Sumo's thin face turned even redder after that, and he ravaged his hair carelessly with his hands. With a sullen head, he picked up the dinner plate next to him and ate by himself.

Moxiluo lazily went downstairs, sat down next to her, grabbed the dinner plate under her nose, and used it himself.

The intimacy is so close that we can't distinguish between our movements, Feng Sumo was stunned when he saw it, and the corners of his lips curled up.

Mo Xiaoshao, who didn't understand the mood, looked at the two of them, pointed to the plate beside him and said, "Daddy, your portion of the meal is here."

In a word, the scenery is terrible.

Moxiluo stopped eating, raised his head and glanced at him, and said in a calm tone, "Mo family rules, children cannot talk during meals from now on."



Mia and Feng Sumo asked at the same time.

"Speech affects digestion, and this is for the sake of your healthy growth." Mecillo has a good reason.

"My lord tends to choke when talking while eating." Feng Shuyu walked towards the two of them slowly, sat down next to Mia, stared at Feng Sumo with big eyes flickering, and expressed his opinion.

"Tongyan Wuji." Moxiluo casually ate his meal, and turned his gaze to Feng Sumo, who had been robbed of the food by him, "We will go to an auction tonight."

"Auction what?"

"A famous diamond."

"Since when have you become interested in diamonds?"

"For grandpa." Moxiluo pursed his lips slightly, "to make up for his two lost treasures."

A famous diamond is worth a flower and a bottle of wine, enough...

(End of this chapter)

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