The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 109 The Not Heavy Fatty

Chapter 109 The Not Heavy Fatty
Yun Xi nodded.

The Ferrari dusted off.

The boy staring at the lip nails stood where he was, inhaling the exhaust of the car intoxicatedly, with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Enzo is Enzo, the exhaust smells fragrant~"

He murmured flatteringly, and then patted the shoulder of another younger brother next to him.

"Brother, I'll leave the difficult task of checking the membership card to you! Brother, I'm going in to watch Enzo racing! Wow, Kaka, watching Enzo cornering~ That beautiful car owner must have good racing skills~"

After speaking, he left in a rippling manner.

And in Yunxi's car, Cen Ziyan moved his ass, also looking excited.

"Brother Yun, you are really good at predicting things! Sure enough, you don't need a membership card, just enter directly! When we were racing in high school, there were always people stopping us!"

Yunxi said softly.

"This kind of sports car club, a good car itself is a membership card."

Cen Ziyan expressed that he was educated.

However, immediately startled!
Yunxi used to drive a luxury car, but she has never driven such a car that is limited in the world and cannot be obtained by the rich (she didn't want to drive Lamborghini Poison), so Cen Ziyan who played with her had never seen it before. This posture.

As soon as he entered the club, a circle of people greeted him.

All those people had an arrogant or domineering supercar beside them. Pagani, Bugatti, Porsche, Lamborghini, Maserati, sports cars of various colors and styles crowded outside the track.

And between them, a silver-gray Ferrari drove slowly.

The color of Ferrari is low-key, and the curve is soft, like a quicksilver, flowing slowly.

But it attracted the attention of everyone present.

Sitting on the passenger seat, Cen Ziyan held his head up for a moment, feeling ashamed to bow his head.

Yun Xi's posture was very leisurely, her expression didn't change, she just touched the steering wheel again, the corners of her lips curled up and the twinkle in her eyes proved that she was also very excited.

Finally racing!
After walking such a long section of the city's speed limit road, and walking side by side with the tractor for a long time, she and her car were about to suffocate!

After the car drove into the club, someone soon came over and explained the precautions and rules of the track to Yun Xi.

Yun Xi clasped the steering wheel with her long fingers, and nodded while listening.

Precautions are the same as the place she played in high school, but because the club changed owners a month ago, the track has been lengthened.

They have a "speed race", which is to run three laps on more than a dozen bends and straight lines stuffed on the field, and the fastest one wins.

The winners receive VIP status at the club, as well as tickets to a monthly refill "road race".

Of course, a distinguished customer like Yunxi gets the "Supreme VIP".

"Road Race" - the track becomes longer and a section of the outer ring road is added!There are corners and even midnight mountain roads!
Who doesn't want to be the car god of Qiu Mingshan (Initial D Shenshan)? !

The most interesting thing is that no one knows which part of the track will be added every month, but this kind of wild racing is more exciting than circling in circles in the field!
Yunxi came this time because of this "road race".

After the lecturer finished explaining, he asked Yun Xi if he had any questions.

Yun Xi turned her head with a chuckle, whispered a few words to Cen Ziyan, and went to ask the explainer.

"I want to bring someone to the first round."

The explainer froze for a moment, then reminded him politely.

"It's okay to bring people...but reduce the speed of the car. Tonight is the last speed race and the last ticket for the road race...Are you sure you have considered it?"

Yun Xi chuckled.

"Well, think it over clearly, today I mainly bring friends to play."

Then, Yunxi's friend Cen Ziyan, the little fat man, couldn't hold back, and protested inside.

"I'm not heavy...!"

Pretend the car didn't sink when he got in it.

Well, he is a fat little guy~
He didn't even believe it himself!

(End of this chapter)

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