Chapter 140
Jinmo and the others walked by, and the three handsome guys kept their eyes on each other.

Fan Shiqin stood under the tree in embarrassment, her hand that was brushing her hair was clenched into a fist, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Are these men... blind?

She held the phone tightly with her hand, and Xie Tianning's "gentle and considerate" voice came from the phone.

"Beauty, my love for you can be learned from all over the world. You are the woman I love the most. How can I let you be angry... Be good, let me buy you a new LV bag, okay?"

Fan Shiqin gritted her teeth, thinking of the "GE" logo on Jinmo's team uniform, she suddenly understood who those stupid men with long eyes and heads that didn't know how to appreciate the beauty of this princess were.

She said to Xie Tianning.

"Aren't you looking for a coach for me? I don't want a damn (Mars homonym) team, I want GE! Find me GE!"

Fan Shiqin's expression was too rich, causing MIKI to glance back quietly, and then whispered to No.

"Fox, why does that girl's face look like a monkey's butt?"

No suppressed a smile and pushed his glasses.

"Because the captain's charm is great."

MIKI didn't understand the connection between the two, but he still looked serious.

"The captain doesn't like girls, but the boy's kung fu practiced by the captain is being forced..."

Can you continue to practice after being kissed?
Before MIKI could finish speaking, Jinmo glanced back at him coldly, and MIKI kept silent, as well-behaved as a big baby.

The three of them walked into the gymnasium and attracted a lot of attention. Let alone Yun Xi pushed open the door next to the billiards hall, and did not expect to meet enemies inside.

All members of the Mars team!

Five starters plus five substitutes, and a female coach with a high ponytail and a notebook.

Captain Mars Sanqian was sitting on the pool table, holding a pool cue, chatting and laughing with a boy with a mushroom head next to him.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Mars waved his hand casually without looking back.

"Didn't you see that this place is occupied by us? I want to play and go out to play."

Gong Yiheng pursed his lips and looked around. The other members of the Mars team were basically sitting on the bench next to the snooker table, looking up at him and Yunxi with disdain.

Gong Yiheng was in a good mood today, he didn't get angry with them, he just said.

"Hey, we're going to play snooker. If you want to play, let's go together."

Just don't cry then.

As soon as Gong Yiheng's voice appeared, Mars was taken aback for a moment, he never expected to meet Yunxi and Gong Yiheng here.

These two guys he hates the most!
Mars Sanqian's expression changed suddenly, he jumped off the snooker table with a pool cue, and pointed at Yun Xi with the cue.

"Hey, who did I think it was, it turned out to be someone from GE."

With a smile on her face, Yunxi put her fingers away from the pool cue that almost poked her face, looked at Mars Sanqian, leaned against the wall behind her, and greeted him lazily.

"Coincidentally, I thought who it was, it turned out to be someone from Mars. How is Diaochan practicing recently?"

As soon as Diao Chan was mentioned, Mars Sanqian instantly looked like an enraged weasel.

"Heh, GE has been relegated, and you still use Diao Chan's SOLO as an issue?! No's Diao Chan is so good that you won't lose? Garbage!"

"Play billiards? You are still in the mood to come and play billiards, go back to training and try to get KPL tickets, ha ha."

Mars Sanqian was furious, and the coach of their team rubbed his temples with a headache, wanting to resign for the hundred and first time.

The coaches, team managers and data analysts of the Mars team have the highest turnover rate among the entire KPL team. Officially, it is because of the low salary given by the Mars team. In fact, it is because of this group of players, it is really...

It's hard to say.

Facing the provocation of Mars Sanqian, Yun Xi put his hands in his pockets and said lightly.

"Hey, it's the finals soon, and you still talk about relegation. Be careful next season, your head will be hammered off."

(End of this chapter)

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