The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 145 You Can't Control Yourself

Chapter 145 You Can't Control Yourself
Jinmo is notoriously indifferent in the e-sports circle. Even when GE was first established, all decisions were basically made by Jinmo alone.

Jin Mo asked Yun Xi, scaring the Mars team.

No pushed the glasses, feeling that they were making a fuss.

What is a team favorite.

That is, everyone has to spoil Xiao Xi, especially the captain.

Yun Xi is used to it, she twitched her lips.

"I do, of course I do."

Having said that, she said to Jinmo.

"But we're late, the pool table has already been taken by the Mars team, I'll wait until Gong Yiheng wins."

What Yunxi said was the truth, but it was in Jinmo's ears...


In his mind, he wants to educate Yun Xi.

How to educate?
The kid has to be straightened first.

For the rest, he felt that Yun Xi should play whatever he wanted.

This child should be pampered, and he is pampered.

So, although Ye Zhihan and Jinmo look very unpleasant to each other later on, they are exactly the same when it comes to caring for their wives - pet!

The world of pets is falling apart, one pollutes the entertainment industry, and the other tires the e-sports industry.

Just a "favorite", no one is necessarily worse than anyone else.

Jin Mo stroked Yun Xi's head, soft | soft hair slipped through his fingers, he said.

"Play whatever you want, whatever you want."

Then, he directly ordered Gong Yiheng.

"Yiheng, give him the pool cue next time."

Gong Yiheng held the pool cue and nodded with a smile.

"Okay, let me warm up first."

No also leaned over with a smile on his face.

"Can Xiao Xi also play snooker? She's really versatile."

He can drag racing and play snooker. The good guy and gentle King of Glory, Yunxi, makes No feel very proud.

Yunxi really knows how to play, because she hates sweaty sports, she still plays a lot of these billiards, so she told No truthfully.

"I know how to fight, and I can fight well. Try not to embarrass you."

Jin Mo rubbed her head again, with a faint smile on the corner of his lips.

No smiled very kindly beside her, and her voice was very gentle.

"It's okay to be ashamed, just have fun."

"That's right, brat, you are in charge of the wave, and the captain and I are in charge of stabilizing it, hahaha."

Gong Yiheng also stretched out his hand to pat Yun Xi's shoulder, but he just stretched out his hand naturally, really ready to hook Yun Xi's shoulder.

Yunxi was pulled by Jinmo and pulled to the other side.

Gong Yiheng's fingers were stiff, and then he retracted his hand and wiped his nose.

No patted his shoulder next to him and said softly.

"Camus, Xiao Xi is very cute, but you'd better keep a little distance from Xiao Xi."

Gong Yiheng shrugged his shoulders, stroked the pool cue with his hand, with a half-smile on his face.

"Fox, you shouldn't have misunderstood something, right? I'm a straight, straight, and beautiful boy. I just want to play with him."

No looked at Gong Yiheng's flamboyant eyebrows and pushed his glasses.

"Camus, you can't control yourself."

Gong Yiheng licked his lips.

He knew that No would always worry a lot, so he meant to advise him, but he felt that the fox was really careless.

He turned around and patted No's shoulder fiercely, smiling very, very brightly.

"Don't worry, really don't worry, I have poor self-control, but even if I like that brat, he also likes to treat the captain, right? I don't have the ability to compete with the captain."

No also smiled.

"I don't care about you if you don't have the ability, but you can't keep your mind on it. GE, you can't reduce your staff anymore."

As soon as he finished speaking, he received an elbow from Gong Yiheng.

He clutched his stomach and beat back too.

"Stinky boy!"

Gong Yiheng dodged to the side, and waited for No to follow, he lowered his voice and whispered.

"Hey, that brat is Yun Xi, not me! Fox, put your heart in your stomach, I'm not a fool, I know what I should and shouldn't do."

"You, just go and prepare for the United States to recuperate, and don't worry about it. Do you know if you worry about reducing your lifespan? Eh..."

No took a deep look at Gong Yiheng and said calmly.

"You made a mistake, what I mean is, you are not worthy of Xiao Xi, don't think too much, and waste Xiao Xi's time."

The corners of Gong Yiheng's lips twitched, then he put the pool cue on his shoulder, and grabbed No's arm with a half-smile.

"Fox, how about eating fox meat as an extra meal tonight?"

(End of this chapter)

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