The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 159 You are Mr. Yun!

Chapter 159 You are Mr. Yun!
Yun Xi raised her eyes slightly, and found her favorite wall to lean against, still with one hand in her pocket, with a bright smile on her lips.

"Don't you think so, Mi Xiu, big brother?"

The voice seemed familiar.

It was Yunxi's voice.

But it was more magnetic and elegant than her voice, with indescribable magnificence.

Your son?
Yun Xi is the noble son.

Besides, there is a reason why she is called a "seiyuu anchor" and has 200 million fans without showing her face.

Gong Yiheng's face blushed directly, worried that he would bend, bend...

Even Jin Mo felt his ears tingle.

He turned his head and looked at Yun Xi silently, wanting to cover her mouth with his hand, it would be best to cover her face and put her whole body...

How could there be such an idea.

Jin Mo frowned.

As for Mi Xiu, his face was ashen, and the veins on the back of his hands were bulging.

"You are, Mr. Yun!"

Yun Xi tilted her head slightly, chestnut brown hair slipped in front of her eyes, with a smile on her lips, her extremely beautiful appearance made Mi Xiu go crazy with jealousy.

Yun Xi is now more certain that this Mi Xiu came here to trouble her.

Still very scheming, spent a lot of brain cells.

She just said, GE and Shayu Live have no grievances, how could Shayu Live interview GE with Xun Bao, who gathered GE black fans.

People from GE will definitely not meet Xunbao, so after Shayu Live said hello to GE, they secretly brought Xunbao here.

When Xun Bao was stopped at the door, they could also write.

It's really a historian's pen, whoever wants to die can die.

Are they worthy?

This time, I just want to expose GE's black material, or in other words, together with GE and Mr. Yun, drag it down together.

Yun Xi is a little curious, this Mi Xiu wants to "clean up" her Mr. Yun, does the killing fish platform know?
But after thinking about it, Yun Xi felt that she might not know.

Although her mother, "The chief general of the Yun family" invested money in the live broadcast of Shayu and spoke on her behalf, the relationship between them was not made public.

So...these people think she, Mr. Yun, is a soft persimmon, so hard to pinch, easy to bully?

Interesting, really interesting.

Yun Xi hooked her lips and smiled brightly.

What she thought of, Jinmo and No, two IQ BOSS-level men, naturally thought of it too.

No looked at Yunxi worriedly, Jinmo was more straightforward, walked to Yunxi's side, and finally touched her head, his voice was still low.

"go to eat."

Yun Xi curled her lips at him.

"No, I feel like I will be full today."

Jin Mo looked at her again.

"Afraid of being full of gas and want to stay?"

This tone is because others didn't pay attention to it.

After finishing speaking, he didn't say anything more.

Yun Xi just stayed there if she wanted to, and this Mi Xiu also belonged to the Killing Fish Platform, it seemed that he had a grudge with Mr. Yun.

Jinmo glanced at No, and No worriedly looked at Yunxi again, Yunxi looked at him with a smile and waved his claws, No then left with a slight sigh.

Give Yunxi some hot food.

The bad guy was handed over to the captain, who was responsible for feeding Xiao Xi.

Mi Xiu was watching all this by the side, grabbing the trouser seam of the white suit with his hands, grabbing a wrinkle in the straight suit, but he didn't notice it.

His heart was turbulent.

Hearing Yunxi's voice, combined with the small report Youli sent to him just now, he still doesn't understand that Yunxi is "Mr. Yun", so it is in vain for him to think about Yunxi as an imaginary enemy.

He stared at Yunxi, the more he looked at it, the more uncomfortable he felt.

This could he grow up like this? !

Why is he... so good-looking? !

The rumor that "Mr. Yun" is ugly and invisible to others was quietly released by Mi Xiu, and 80.00% of the scandals of "Mr. Yun" were silently manipulated by him behind the scenes.

But he pretended very well, he is a "noble son", how could he do such a thing.

When some fans said in the live broadcast room, "Young Master Yun is just an ugly guy with a voice changer, Mi Xiu is the real beauty", he would say in a gentle and elegant voice——

"My little cuties, don't comment on other people in the live broadcast room."

In fact, I feel very refreshed, extremely cool.

After Mr. Yun's "ugly" remarks appeared, he snatched many fans from Yunxi, and imitated Yunxi, telling fans bedtime stories every day.

Yun Xi, who didn't like to read Weibo, was stunned for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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