The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 189 Because of Hobbies, Faithful to Faith

Chapter 189 Because of Hobbies, Faithful to Faith

Yunxi high school contacted the glory of the king, and started a live broadcast after the college entrance examination.

Because of love, loyal to faith.

Step by step to the present.

Loved by more and more people, but also hated and slandered by many people.

Yun Xi doesn't care what other people think, she only cares about her fans and thanks for their company.

After all, companionship is the longest confession of love.

It's good to keep these words in your heart. If you say them directly, she will feel a little embarrassed.

In fact, if she searches Baidu now, she can find her wallpaper picture package on the Internet, and it also comes with a bonus voice, and the download volume has exceeded 300w.

Tonight, I don't know how many men or women will spend a night with Mr. Yun by guarding their mobile phones and computers.

Yunxi tapped the corner of her lips lightly, and a gentle smile appeared on her monstrously perfect face, which was taken as a wallpaper by an unknown number of people.

Every movement and every expression of her is picturesquely elegant, extravagant, and enchanting. The real pictures captured by the camera, without post-processing, are all breathtakingly beautiful.

She smiled and said that the voice was clearly heard by everyone through the microphone.

"Okay, today, today is very important, will you accompany me?"

The barrage cuties are wailing, shy like little sweet wives.

"Young master, oh, Jiang Zi is not very good~ I have already washed and laid down for nothing~ Waiting for your favor~"

"Aww! Will the live broadcast room be reported! QAQ"

"My son joined GE, did GE not say anything?"

"I went to Baidu to check GE just now, have their promotional posters been P! How can an Internet-addicted teenager look so handsome?!"

"I think Young Master and GE are a good match~ Hehehe~ It's just that GE's captain looks very aggressive, more aggressive than Young Master.

Yunxi: I would like to accept it.

She chuckled lightly.

"All the GE staff are really handsome, and I will ask them to broadcast a live broadcast for you to watch. Also, where can the GE captain attack me? It doesn't exist.

Yunxi said, she opened the game, ready to go to the ranking.

Yunxi has very few friends in this account, no more than twenty people in total, and these people are very busy except Cen Ziyan, who is gold.

When preparing to go to the rankings, the cute fans were chirping.

"Master, let's call the eldest wife to play together~"

"I want to see the young master and the eldest wife fight the king together!"

"Move the small bench and wait for the live broadcast~"

"I really want to be the king, and rank with the young master, even if the young master smashes the dog's head on the opposite side, I will be happy."

"Well... am I the only man here?"

"Upstairs, you're not alone. I'm also here to learn technology, but it seems to be bent."

"Where is the big brain, is it in the friend list?"

Yun Xi doesn't want to open the friend list, Cen Ziyan's scumbag gold is still lying in the list, if this is opened...

She thought about it, and planned to have no barrage, so she just said something softly.

"It's been a long time since I used Li Bai, and today I use Li Bai to become the king."

As she spoke, she slowly said the lines of Hu Bai (Li Bai's thousand-year-old fox skin) in a low and elegant voice——

"The soul of the spirit of Qingqiu will not wander forever, because I am here."

No matter what happens, I'm here.

She usually uses Fengqiuhuang, but today, she uses Hubai to make her audience feel that something big is about to happen.

Fox White...

When the young master uses Hubai, it is more stable than Fengqiuhuang, and he talks less.

The audience is vaguely looking forward to what kind of performance the young master will perform to commemorate their common glory of the king at this important moment of showing his face and joining the professional team today!

Yes, this is a memorable moment!
A ranking worth remembering!
Before Yunxi clicked on solo queue, suddenly, a friend sent her a queue invitation.

This friend's name is——

The evildoer suffers.

Still a king of glory.

Yunxi: ...

 Liu Ruchi: Please do something, please do something, please do something~
(End of this chapter)

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