The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 207 We changed GE's name to GAY, how about

Chapter 207 We changed GE's name to GAY, how about

No said nothing, and the newly promoted group bully Gong Yiheng almost threw away the pen in his hand.

Not really.

"Our GE really changed its name to GAY? Fox, are you bent too?"

What Gong Yiheng said...

Also bent?
This word is also very interesting.

Yunxi looked at Jinmo with a grin, and said nothing.

Jinmo looked at Gong Yiheng with cool eyes.


His steel is straight, but also curved?
Gong Yiheng's heart began to sing coolness.

I think their team is going to be cool...

Once Yun Yaoxie joins the team, that's fine.

It's not enough to win over 1000 million fans, you have to come and harm them.

He sighed inwardly.

Oh, sure enough...

Only he and MIKI can guard their bodies and minds, and become the only straight men with normal sexual orientation in the GAY team.

The eyes behind the No lenses continued to flash with the light of the troublemaker.

He opened his mouth again and finished what he had just gasped for.

"I have always regarded Xiao Xi as my younger brother, so I naturally like him. Is there any problem?"

Gong Yiheng threw the pen in his hand on the table and sighed, as if filled with infinite sadness.

"Fox, it's good that you didn't mean it that way, otherwise I should call you mosquito coils in the future. Sigh, you can't be called mosquito coils... You can't let other teams know that our GAY team is GAY."

"Oh, our pure man team!"

No pushed his glasses, with a smile on his lips, and said nothing.

Listening to what they said, Yun Xi bit her lower lip lightly, a look of interest flashed in her eyes.

She went to see Jinmo and said in a low voice.

"Captain, what is a mosquito coil?"

Mosquito coil captain? ?
Mosquito coils would like to team? ?
Jinmo glanced at her coldly.

"Kills mosquitoes."

Yun Xi raised her eyebrows and said "Oh?"

Jinmo wants to pat her ass, this kid is still learning from MIKI, why is he so skinny?
You have to educate well, educate well.

As he thought about it, he went to look at Yunxi again, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his hands were clenched by his side!

While Gong Yiheng was reasoning with No, Yun Xi gently kissed her fair fingers.

The finger that just stroked the corner of his lips.

Looking at him with a smile in his eyes, in his heart, are you thinking about kissing him?

The arc drawn by the thin lips is extremely enchanting, enchanting but not charming.

Jin Mo looked at her, his cold eyes narrowed, and there was only one word in his heart that echoed thousands of times——

This little monster.

Collect demons...

Someone should be a demon...

Don't let him come out to harm people.

Seeing that Jinmo was lost in thought, Yun Xi withdrew her hand and sighed softly.

"Captain, I'm's become a coil of mosquito coils, what should I do?"

She went to ask Jinmo, what should I do?
Jinmo wants to say.

You little scourge, you are always crooked.

Now, still ask me?

But he didn't say, he didn't say that.

He just stretched out his hand and stroked her soft|soft hair, he didn't speak, but thought in his heart.

How nice it would be if he were "she"...

Is it real……

if not……

That still has to straighten him.

Jinmo's hand was unconsciously exerting force, and Yun Xi also narrowed her eyes, like a cat being groomed, she raised her head to look at Jinmo.

"team leader?"

Jinmo withdrew his hand, ignored Yunxi's words, and went to chat with No.

Yun Xi put her hands in her pockets, raised her eyebrows slightly.




Veteran cadre?
Captain, what's wrong with you bending over?
She also went over, picked up the pen thrown by Gong Yiheng, and chatted with Brother Sui.

"Follow brother, let me copy the prescription for you."

No smiled very gently.

"No need for Xiao Xi, let people with strong limbs and simple minds do this kind of rough work. Xiao Xi, you can go to eat, and I will heat it for you."

Say go, No just go.

Yun Xi hurriedly followed.

"No need, I'm not hungry with my brother."

"Hey, Xiao Xi, I'm going to America soon, so I can cook you a few meals..."

"Follow brother, I'm hungry!"

(End of this chapter)

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