The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 210 I keep a low profile to give some people the courage to live

Chapter 210 I keep a low profile to give some people the courage to live
Yunxi put down her phone and tapped the table with her hand.

No sat in front of her, his handsome face was a little dark, he looked at Yun Xi's face, and sighed softly.

"Xiao Xi, Gong Yusi must be the girl who hugged the big bear in the coffee shop last time."

Ask him to tease the captain about the girl Xiao Xi fell in love with.

Yun Xi nodded.

"It's her, my female classmate."

No is analyzed next to it.

"As soon as your squad leader came up, he said that the girl was with you, which proves that he must have got the news, or that he saw someone pick her up in your name."

"Combining Xiao Xi and your big show last night, there must be many people who want to harm you...Today, they attacked your female classmate."

"Do you know who it is? Is it your black fan, or your opponent, or the anchor or social person...?"

If there are many people who like Yun Xi, there will be many people who hate her, and No can't confirm the identity of the other party.

While No was talking, Yunxi picked up the phone and looked quietly with downcast eyes.

Her mobile phone interface suddenly turned black, and then lines of codes jumped out, her eyes narrowed, and the white codes on the black screen danced in her eyes.

Yunxi was tracking Gong Yusi's cell phone, and soon found out Gong Yusi's location.

The location is in an abandoned warehouse next to the school, where the terrain is relatively remote, and it is a place where young couples like to meet.

But the warehouse door was always locked, but Gong Yusi was taken inside today?
That's very interesting, very interesting.

Yun Xi narrowed her eyes and stood up, her eyes were dark.

"Follow me, I hate guys who bully women around me the most."

"Who are they? Tsk, a group of desperate people."

No also stood up and followed Yun Xi worriedly.

"Xiao Xi, don't go alone, you call Camus and the captain."

Yun Xi put her hands in her pockets and shook her head.

"No, the KPL finals are coming soon. If something happens to their faces, something will happen, and something will happen."

Reports on the Internet may become like this——

Shock!Glory of Kings Professional Players Fight Injured!

No said worriedly.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it."

Yunxi smiled.

"Don't worry, follow your brother. I have been playing since I was a child. When I was in high school..."

When she was in high school, she was a serious school bully.

No one has ever dared to bully the people around her. Those self-righteous ghosts and snakes would walk around when they saw her.

Speaking of this, she narrowed her eyes, her smile became brighter and brighter, and she exuded an arrogance that had been suppressed all along.

She raised her chin slightly, and the smile on her lips was so perfect that it was suffocating.

"It seems that low-key is not enough. My low-key is to give some people the courage to live."

"But now it seems that some people are shameless. What cats and dogs dare to attack my people?"


No looked at Yunxi like this, and gently patted her head.

"Although you are Mr. Yun, you are also Xiao Xi. Don't worry, we will always be behind you."

The group favors Yunxi.

Yun Xi lowered his head and smiled.

"Brother Sui, why did you say the same thing as the captain?"

No coughed lightly.

Not saying a word.

He overheard the conversation between the captain and Xiao Xi, ahem.

Every time the captain gets tired of it.

The two talked and returned to the training room.

Jinmo, Gong Yiheng and MIKI didn't waste a second, they were training again.

Yunxi walked over and said something.

"My female classmate was kidnapped."

She didn't want the people from GE to go with her, but before she finished speaking, Jinmo stood up without saying a word, put his phone back in his pocket, and cheated his teammates for the first time since playing the king.

He picked up the car keys with a cold expression.


(End of this chapter)

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