The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 214 Whoever kills him, I will give him double the money!

Chapter 214 Whoever kills him, I will give him double the money!
Huang Fang froze for a moment, and paused.

The bang then died away.

Huang Yanan thought for a while, the terrain here is remote, and the warehouse doors are locked on the third floor, it is impossible for anyone to come in!

Moreover, he has a gun, what are he afraid of...

But I don't know why...he was still a little flustered...

Fan Shiqin finished her sweet kiss with Xie Tianning, and stared at the man with yellow teeth arrogantly.

"Why haven't you fucked her yet?"

Just as the yellow-toothed man was about to speak, the knocking on the door got louder!
Amid the huge "Boom!!", they seemed to hear the roar of wild beasts!
Xie Tianning raised his eyebrows and smiled disdainfully.

"It seems that there are idiots trying to hit the door with a car. This door weighs a ton alone. How can it be pretended to open? Oh, it's just ridiculous!"

Yeah, funny!
There was another loud bang, and the door was knocked open!

The gorgeous eyes outside the door shone from behind a bright army green SUV into the dark warehouse, and the dust in the warehouse was like floating gold.

The blinding light hurts the eyes of this group of things in the dark.

Xie Tianning's face immediately changed!

"Damn, what kind of strange car is this?!"

Is it more powerful than his 100 million Mercedes-Benz? !

But they were a little deeper in the warehouse, and this monster-like off-road vehicle couldn't get in. Xie Tianning felt relieved after thinking about it, and then yelled at the high-priced thug behind him.

"What are you idiots doing, go up and fight!"

These thugs were all wearing vests, with dragon and tiger tattoos all over their arms and legs, cigarettes in their mouths, and two-handed axes with swinging sticks and iron rods in their hands. They didn't take Xie Tianning's fuss seriously at all.

They are the thugs who really "see the situation" in the society. To put it bluntly, any of their thugs has never maimed, injured, or killed people, and they have been in prison several times. They are doing this kind of deadly business.

"Ning Shao, don't be afraid, it's just a broken car, you don't like it, we'll smash it for you!"

When Xie Tianning saw the posture of the group of bloodthirsty strong men behind him, his heart suddenly became stable.

He was just unhappy seeing Yun Xi, at first he thought that guy was "poor" and pretending to be aggressive, but later Yun Xi robbed his girlfriend and stole all the limelight from him in school!
The one who came was Yun Xi, the best guy, this time he just happened to beat him to death, or press him next to his classmate to take a film together, how exciting and interesting!
Xie Tianning thought so, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, put his arms around Fan Shiqin's waist and sat on his chair, shaking the cigarette ash, with a look of disdain.

"What are you afraid of?! Look, if it's Yun Xi who comes down, whoever kills him, I'll give him double the money! Capture him alive, and I'll give you three times as much!"

The thugs' eyes instantly burst into a hungry wolf-like light!
three times!
Everyone licked their lips, took out their weapons and surrounded the off-road vehicle.

Huang Yanan also took out the nunchakus attached to his waist and followed.

Gong Yusi was in a mess, her eyes were empty, she shrank back and was shaking, her face was full of tears.

The off-road vehicle stopped in the warehouse because it was difficult to drive.

Under the vicious eyes of the thugs, the door of the posture seat opened, and a stern man in a neat white shirt and black trousers came down first, holding a 65-style cavalry knife in his right hand, and looked at them coldly.

The thugs who were approaching were suddenly a little scared.

This momentum... is not something ordinary people can have...

However, thugs are desperate, no matter how hard the bones are, they must be gnawed!
They continue to approach.

Then, the passenger door of the off-road vehicle opened, and a slender and beautiful boy in a white shirt with ripped jeans jumped out of it, holding the door with one hand, and holding a bright Tang knife in the other.

Looking at this group of thugs, the corners of his lips curled up and a charming smile appeared on his face.

The Tang Dao held in his right hand was slowly raised, pointing straight at Xie Tianning!
The sharp blade emits a cold light.

Xie Tianning was instantly excited, pointing at Yun Xi with the hand holding the cigarette.

Fingertips are shaking!
Yun Xi cast herself into the trap!
"He is Yun Xi!"

He is Yun Xi!
This sentence seemed to trigger a signal, and the group of thugs immediately surrounded him.

(End of this chapter)

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