The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 216 Good, it's alright

Chapter 216 Good, it's alright

The army green off-road vehicle has scars from the thugs' weapons, but it can't shake that monster-like off-road vehicle at all!

It was stormy outside the car, but inside the car, there was no movement.

The car didn't even shake.

Gong Yiheng was stunned. Holding a baseball bat, he couldn't help saying.

"What kind of car is this car? It can crush a sports car, but even if it is smashed by someone, it won't smash it."

No's glasses were white and smooth.

"We don't understand the things on the army. But think about the trunk of this car..."

After No finished speaking, Cen Ziyan fell into silence.

Cen Ziyan still remembers that he took a telescope to find the highest point near the warehouse for investigation, and found that there were only five people handling the door, but there were as many as twenty cars coming.

Coupled with the footprints at the door, Cen Ziyan can probably be sure that there is a company (120) more people inside.

He was a little worried. If it was in Brother Yun's territory, the 120 people would be a piece of cake, and Brother Yun could call a reinforcement group (5000 people) to take them over with just one phone call.

But there are only him and Brother Yun here, and Brother Yun has won the king's belt bronze... He can do as long as he doesn't hold back!

Just as he was thinking this way, a military green off-road vehicle that looked familiar to him drove up to the door——

Crushed the off-road of Maserati!

Before he had time to get excited, the off-road vehicle went on a rampage and slammed into the gate.

A bang sound scared people stupid.

The five thugs guarding the door were also obviously stunned for a moment, and then the driver's door opened, and that Jin Mo went up and packed the five people into rice dumplings and threw them into the corner.

Then Brother Yun jumped off the passenger seat, squinted his eyes to look in his direction, and waved to him.

Cen Ziyan knew that Brother Yun could see through his disguise at a glance, so he happily ran over and saw that Jinmo opened the back of the car...


There are all kinds of weapons in it.

From social iron sticks, pickaxes, axes, machetes, sabers, military stabs, and even guns...

A small arsenal of arsenals!
Thinking of this, Cen Ziyan quietly looked outside the door, and after confirming that everyone had been killed by Brother Yun and that Jinmo, he quietly got out of the car and quietly asked No.

"Your captain... is a straight man, right?"


Yunxi and Jinmo walked towards Xie Tianning step by step with bloody footprints.

Yun Xi was really angry this time!

So it is rare for Jinmo to be serious.

The people behind them didn't die, but they rolled on the ground in pain with their arms folded, and their weapons fell all over the ground.

Yun Xi never thought of killing people, so she just "taught" them a lesson.

The death penalty is acquitted, but the living sin cannot escape.

Huang Yanan didn't expect things to turn out like this. He has been in the society for so long, and he hasn't seen any scenes, and he hasn't experienced any bloody storms...

However, these two people...

He stretched his hand behind him, grabbed the pitch-black gun, and loaded it quietly.

Yun Xi walked up to him, glanced at Gong Yusi who was curled up in a corner, looking at her with tears on his face, and then at Huang Yanan, his tone suddenly became very gentle.

Gentle to weird.

"Which hand did you touch her?"

The yellow-toothed man spat.

"What's wrong with me touching her with both hands?!"

He said, pull out the gun!

The muzzle of the black hole is aimed at Yun Xi!

Cen Ziyan, No Gong Yiheng and MIKI who rushed over suddenly exclaimed nervously!

Gong Yusi, who huddled into a ball, suddenly opened her eyes wide and screamed!

Xie Tianning and Fan Shiqin looked happy!

There was no gunshot, but a scream!
The moment the yellow-toothed man raised his gun, Jinmo's cavalry sword slashed at his right hand holding the gun, and Yun Xi's Tang knife slashed at his left hand!

Two plops...

Both hands fell to the ground.

A piece of blood splattered on Yun Xi's white shirt, like a blooming Bana flower.

Yun Xi lowered her head, turned her head, and said softly to the wide-eyed Gong Yusi.

"Good, it's alright."

Gong Yusi bit her lip, suddenly couldn't hold back, and started crying loudly...

 Liu Ruchi: I would like to announce an important matter to everyone, "The King of All People: Sweet Wife, Be Good! "This book now has 25 words, and it will be promoted to PK starting next Friday, that is, July 7th.

  PK is to fight for popularity. Rewards, comments, comments, and comments after chapters, including the ideas in the book, will all become the popularity of this book.If the heat is high, PK will win and you will be promoted.
  , If the PK loses, the book is likely to start charging, and it may end soon.

  I think many stories in this book have just begun. Captain Jin hasn’t bent yet straight, Team GAY hasn’t won the national championship yet, Team Jin hasn’t discovered Yun Xi’s female identity yet, he, the pillow hasn’t come back yet, they haven’t cosplay yet , Jinmo hasn't formally confronted Ye Zhihan yet, Yunxi hasn't acted as a substitute for the actress Xiaoshou, and Jinmo hasn't taught Yunxi how to fly a fighter jet yet...

  Many, many episodes have yet to be written, so I don't want the book to get shot so quickly.

  I hope everyone can support me, let's work hard together and advance with you!
(End of this chapter)

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