The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 224 Sleeping at My House at Night

Chapter 224 Sleeping at My House at Night

Yun Xi stretched out her hand and gently touched Gong Yusi's head, gently brushing over Gong Yusi's head like a feather.

It also seemed to be gently teasing the apex of her heart.

Gong Yusi's mood suddenly calmed down, but the sudden grievance caught her off guard...

Both of her parents died since she was a child, and she never felt that she was an affectionate person.

She doesn't like to cry, and she never depends on anyone.

But now... facing Yun Xi... she seemed to have endless grievances.

She may have to shed tears all her life.

Biting her lips tightly, Gong Yusi tried her best to look up at Yun Xi's face, trembling slightly because of sadness.

"Yun Xi...I...I'm sorry...Tomorrow is the game...I'm still causing trouble...I'm sorry...I'm so useless, and I asked you to save me."

Yun Xi softened her brows and eyes.

"Silly girl."

If it wasn't for herself, how could she have encountered these...

If it wasn't for the monitor's phone call, if it wasn't for rushing here...

Then, this girl's life, the fate she tried so hard to change, will be completely shattered and fall into hell.

Yun Xi bent even lower.

Hooking the tears away from her eyes with his index finger, he said softly.

"It's okay, I'll teach you how to beat the king today, okay?"

"Tomorrow, I promise you are the most beautiful girl."

Gong Yusi's hands clenched the coat on her body. Although the tears were still streaming, there seemed to be a warm current in her heart.

She looked at Yun Xi's warm eyes, and a galaxy of stars in those eyes made her fall into it.

She nodded involuntarily, showing the first smile after encountering such a thing.


Yunxi also smiled.

"Good boy."

Gong Yiheng was stunned as he watched from the side.

Cen Ziyan also coaxed the girl just now, and she made her cry, but when this brat came, she made her laugh? !
What skill is this? !

Men and women take it all!What the hell!

No pushed his glasses, his eyes shone slightly.

Xiao Xi, the most beautiful girl tomorrow must be you.

He didn't say this.

Cen Ziyan said he was used to it.

All low-key, all calm, normal operation, normal operation.

Jinmo, who was still tidying up the pair of adulterers, sat on the chair, glanced in the direction of the car, rubbed his thumb involuntarily on his lips, rubbing a touch of coquettish blood on the cold and hard lips.

His eyes are cold.

Watching the "passionate" scene in front of him is like watching two pieces of pork flipping.


When leaving, Jinmo was driving the car, and Yunxi sat in the passenger seat under Jinmo's stern gaze, and turned her head to comfort Gong Yusi who was sitting in the back seat.

Gong Yusi was wrapped in a coat and nodded her head. Although there were still scars on her face, there was already a faint smile on her lips.

The eyes she looked at Yunxi... was soft and dependent.

It's her's her belief...she...loves it so much...

Really like……

I really like Yun Xi...

Gong Yu thought and lowered her head.

And the back seat of the car can only accommodate four people, and now Gong Yusi occupies a seat, so the others...

Cen Ziyan is big, and next to MIKI is slender, and next to MIKI, No sits on Gong Yiheng's lap.

Gong Yiheng: Save the place.

No: ...

The car started and drove out of the warehouse quickly. A group of thugs in the car hadn't gotten up from the ground yet.

Jinmo took out his mobile phone, dialed [-], and called the police.

Social, very social.

When the outside light shone into the car, Yunxi turned her head and said to Jinmo.

"I'll take her home to rest at night."

Just sleep at her house at night.

 Liu Ruchi: GE really wants to be gay.

  Team Jin was shocked by Yun Xi and made an exclamation point 233
  Today is Tuesday ~ the day after tomorrow will start PK ~
  Xiaokes pass by and leave a comment, leave a message and leave a recommendation ticket!Keep everything that can prove that you have been here~!

  The popularity of the book will be high!It is very likely to advance!

  come on, come on, come on! !

(End of this chapter)

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