The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 227 Very 6, Very 6

Chapter 227 Very 6, Very 6
How could Yunxi know about the lock screen of Jinmo's phone?
She thought about Jinmo's attributes as a veteran cadre, and made a casual joke.

"Password 666666."

Because of her little shou's mother's superstition, her mobile phone lock screen is all 6 (六六大顺).

Gong Yusi nodded, and obediently entered the password.

Then, the phone... was unlocked directly.

Yunxi froze for a moment.


Would like to team so 6?

At this time, the car suddenly turned a corner, Jin Mo glanced at Yun Xi, and said in a deep voice.

"fasten your seatbelt."

Yun Xi leaned towards him with a smile on her lips.

"Captain, what's the matter with your phone lock?"

Jin Mo looked calm.

"system build-in."

The system comes with 666?

This phone is very 6!
But... Veteran cadres shouldn't be superstitious about feudalism, and they still believe in six or six Dashun, so they won't be so popular that they compare themselves to 666.

The mobile phone is very 6, very 6, Yunxi compares Jinmo with a 6.
Except today, except Jinmo himself, no one has touched his mobile phone, and no one knows what is going on with the lock screen.

As for whether it is self-contained and why it is this number, only Jinmo himself knows.

But feudal superstition or something...

If Yunxi knew that one day in the future, Yunxi accidentally discovered that Jinmo had hung a tree of red strings, praying, just to keep her safe, healthy and happy.

Such a simple wish, such a heart...

Perhaps, Yunxi will understand why Wei Jinmo has some strange little moves.

Cen Ziyan quietly clenched his phone tightly.

The password lock on his phone was Brother Yun's birthday, so he didn't dare to show Yun Xi his phone.

Gong Yusi lowered her head, and carefully opened the keyboard to call Qu Yuhan, but her movements suddenly paused...

The first impression of Jinmo's mobile phone is simplicity——

The applications on the desktop are neatly arranged.

In addition to the weather forecast, today's news is the things that come with mobile phones such as text messages. In addition, there is also a Weibo and WeChat. The most beautifully colored one is placed in the most obvious position, which is a live broadcast app for killing fish.

In the call log, there is only Yunxi's phone number.

No notes, just a string of numbers.

No glanced aside, showing a satisfied smile.

Gong Yusi didn't know who the owner of the call was, but subconsciously, she thought it was Yun Xi's.

It just so happened that Yunxi turned her head to look at her at this time, she quickly lowered her head and pressed Qu Yuhan's cell phone number.

It took a while for the call to be connected.

Gong Yusi pinched her phone and suddenly didn't know what to say.

Yun Xi just told her that Han Han didn't know that she was kidnapped, she could tell Han Han or not.

Originally, she wanted to complain to Qu Yuhan, but when the words came to her lips, she suddenly didn't know what to say.

She bit her lip lightly.

Qu Yuhan who was opposite spoke loudly first.

"Sisi, are you okay?!"

Gong Yusi nodded and whispered.

"I'm fine... Yun Xi is beside me."

Hearing Yun Xi's name, Qu Yuhan was obviously relieved.

"Then it's fine. There's a competition tomorrow, so come over and practice for a while, let the young master lead us, and then you can try on the costumes. The girl from the class next door borrowed a set of cheerleading clothes for us."

Hearing these words, Gong Yusi bit her lips heavily, with white marks on her lips, and it took a while before she spoke with difficulty.

"Hanhan, I can't go tonight, I..."

I can't meet people like this.

Gong Yusi's eyes were full of sadness.

Qu Yuhan was angry.

"Sisi, what do you mean?! You just want to go on a date with Yun Xi, don't you even want a match? How dare you?! And someone even borrowed you a suit that was eliminated by the cheerleaders. If you don't come, they will take the clothes Take it!"

(End of this chapter)

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