The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 234 This is not good, this is not good

Chapter 234 This is not good, this is not good

What are the benefits of having an e-sports king as a wife?
The royal husband and wife of another family——

"Husband, come quickly, I was bullied by the opponent's general Mo Xie in the middle lane QAQ!"

"Dare to bully my wife?! Courageous!"

They are all purple.

As for Yunxi and Jinmo, with Gong Yusi, a sister, the style of painting is purple.

Yunxi, "Big... I would like to team up, come to the middle lane and catch a wave! Gong Yusi is also here, and I'll give you the head!"

Jinmo, "Well, the blue BUFF will clean up the remaining blood for you, you come here first to collect it."

Yunxi, "Okay!"

Gong Yusi, "I... what should I do?"

Gong Yusi's Da Qiao stood in his wilderness, very confused.

In front of her, Zhuge Liang and Zhao Zilong were making soy sauce in the grass in front of Papa Lan.

The mid laner Zhuge Liang used by Yunxi, Jin Mo said "do not bully the opponent's jungler", so he played Brother Zilong whose displacement was cut a bit short.

The blue BUFF was quickly stolen by the two, and then the two came to the middle road to abuse people, ahem, and arrest people.

Gong Yusi followed behind them, still looking confused.

"What... what should I do?"

While killing people, Yunxi taught Gong Yusi how to operate.

"Come here to pick up the head. Remember, if you have residual blood, throw yourself a second skill and go home. If you are being chased and beaten, use your big move to summon me."

Big Joe's correct (cheat) method of use.

Gong Yusi nodded with half understanding, listening to Yun Xi very much.

Jin Mo turned his head to look at Yun Xi, the corners of his lips slightly raised in an extremely inconspicuous arc.

Is this little evildoer teaching people or harming people?
Attack skills are used to grab heads.

The second skill is self-help.

Great trick to pit teammates.

This is the way to grow up the most cheating Da Qiao.

Yun Xi didn't mind, she also took a look at Jinmo, raised her eyebrows lightly——

If you cheat, you will cheat, and if the girl cheats, she will be able to move.

Jinmo couldn't laugh again, and wanted to sigh.

How many people are going to be harmed by this little disaster?
Originally, Jinmo felt that Yun Xi was bent and wanted to straighten it.

But now Yunxi seems to be getting straighter, and she starts to flirt with her sisters until she brings them home, and Jinmo starts to feel that men and women can't accept each other.

Jinmo sighed lightly.

This bad boy.


Pipixi suddenly approached Jinmo and asked in a low voice.

"Sincerely, when will GE collectively start the live broadcast?"

She had thought about it for a long time, GE collectively broadcast the bullying in the upper row of the fifth row... ahem, collectively showing their faces.

She can go to Jinmo's house to watch his live broadcast, and come out of the closet by the way, how exciting!

Yun Xi was thinking, Jin Mo killed a Ke who was trying to attack Yun Xi, and said.

"Wait for the KPL finals to end."

When Jinmo said this, he didn't consider that if the live broadcast was broadcast, his identity as "Mr. Yun's eldest wife" would be completely exposed.

In other words, he just wants to "give her whatever Yun Xi wants."

and so--


Yunxi's Zhuge Liang, under the protection of brother Jinmo Zilong, ran amok in the Canyon of Kings, and the other three teammates were all reduced to soy sauce.

After the end, Yunxi MVP.

Gong Yusi listened carefully to Yun Xi's opinion, and in the end, was collectively reported by their teammates and enemies to TAT
The king who bullies others with his sister will be hanged, you know?

He played the game until 10 o'clock in the evening, but after playing four rounds, Yun Xi stood up, flexed his wrists, and was ready to sleep.

Originally, she wanted to be an anchor.

But now the anchor, there is a woman sleeping in the master bedroom, and a man sleeping next to her, this is not good, this is not good, private life is too chaotic.

Still sleeping with the big wife is real after all.

Mr. Yun was absent from work again.

But the fans didn't care, they were all speculating that Mr. Yun might be trying on clothes at night, thinking about that little dress to wear tomorrow...

The P-pictures of Yunxi's women's clothing on the Internet are overwhelming.

Ladies wear big skirts~
much attention~
But now Yunxi only thinks about Sleeping Jinmo's eldest wife, and forgets about the younger wives.

After comforting Gong Yusi for a while, she walked into the second bedroom very naturally and said to Jinmo.

"Captain, it's getting late, come to sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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