The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 261 Welcome to the Battle!

Chapter 261 Welcome to the Battle!

It was the only time in my life when I felt it thoroughly, and it was the most grand and much-anticipated event——

Invited to SOLO by Mr. Yun.

Of course, he didn't dare to solo, he definitely couldn't beat him!
He stiffened his tongue.

"Whether it's women's clothing or solo, I can't compare to you, but I'm not ashamed! You are the anchor of Glory of Kings, so it's unfair to compare yourself!"

Cen Ziyan, who had been holding back for a long time, finally couldn't hold it anymore, squeezed to Yunxi's side, and stared at Yingjing.

"You know that you can't beat it, so you came to look for our Brother Yun BB? If it weren't for our quality, Brother Yun, we would have kicked you down a long time ago? Do you really think that you are human in a suit?"

I just know that BB, BB, this place is Brother Yun's territory now, do you understand!
Cen Ziyan didn't know it himself, he was anxious, in his heart, Brother Yun was still Brother Yun.

But there are always some places that feel different.

Cen Ziyan still hasn't figured out what's different, but wherever there is Brother Yun, there is him!

Yun Xi saw that Cen Ziyan's face was flushed red, as if he was about to go up and kill someone, smiled, patted the position beside her, Cen Ziyan ran over, and handed the big horn in his hand to Yun Xi, obediently Sitting next to Yunxi.

The exclusive location for Brother Yun's fans.

Ying Jing was stunned by Cen Ziyan, and her face turned even redder, because she was angry.

Yunxi raised her lips and smiled, but she didn't look at him, but looked down at the entire gymnasium, knocking on the speaker with the back of her hand to test the sound, and then, the magnetic sound was amplified by the speaker, and sounded in the huge gymnasium.

Yun Xi is not a person who has the patience to argue with others, but everyone present must know——

"Anyone who finds me unhappy can say so."

Yunxi raised her eyebrows and smiled even brighter.

Is it hot?
Not everyone can catch up with her Mr. Yun's popularity!
"I know that many people think it's unfair. I'm an anchor of Glory of Kings and a member of a professional team. Why did I come to participate in a school's girls' competition?"

"Then let me tell you, I am here for my class this time."

"Our class doesn't even have enough girls, so we can only find a man to play the role of a woman, and let other classes see it as a joke."

When Yunxi said this, Jinggang squad leader blushed, Gong Yusi also lowered her head, and Qu Yuhan turned her head away.

The whole school knew about this matter, and they were all waiting to see the jokes in their class, to see what the so-called "women's big guy" was like.

During the selection competition, the class leader pretended to be a woman, and now it is still regarded as the joke of the whole school, making countless prank emoticons. Although the people who use the emoticons think it is very cool, for the class leader... it is a very uncomfortable thing matter.

Of course, Ying Jing knew it too, but now he just wanted to blame the school leaders, if he wanted to find someone in women's clothes, he would wear women's clothes, why would he want to find a professional player or a professional player with a wicked appearance in women's clothes? !
The people from other schools, Yun Xi's fans, including the referee GE, didn't know there was such a meaning in it. They just liked Mr. Yun's women's clothing, but they didn't know there was such a thing.

It turned out that at the beginning, they wanted to see the young master's jokes.

Yes, before showing his face in the live broadcast, the son gave the impression that he was just a handsome college student, and it was inevitable that he would be bullied.

But... what is the correct posture to be bullied?
Mr. Yun will teach you.

She raised her jaw, looked down at the audience, and smiled magnificently.

"Someone wants to see the jokes in our class, I want to ask you now, have you seen enough?"

Who dares to take her women's clothing as a joke? !
Here, she is the C position.

If it is a live draft, it will be Center (middle position)!
If playing King of Glory, she will carry (team core) the whole audience!

"Also, the rank of the King of Glory was achieved by me, the popularity of the anchor was achieved by my fans, and the professional team was established by my ability."

"No matter what aspect of me has an opinion..."

Yun Xi pursed her lips and smiled, her voice was not loud, but it resounded through the audience.

"Welcome to fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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