Chapter 264 I Just Want To Take The Little Monster Home

Jinmo dragged his chin with one hand, looked at Yunxi silently, and nodded slightly when he heard No's words.


No narrowed his fox eyes with a smile, sat beside Jinmo, lowered his voice, and said to Jinmo.

"Captain, you must treat Xiao Xi well."

The best Yunxi in the world.

No's gaze behind the glasses was soft.

"By the way, I have something to tell Xiao Xi tonight, the captain doesn't mind."

Jinmo put down the hand that was dragging his chin, turned his head to look at No, and said in a deep voice.

"What if you mind?"

A white light flashed on No's glasses, and he smiled and pushed the glasses frame with his left hand.

"If you mind, just pretend I didn't say anything, and I'll go ask Xiao Xi directly. Oh, Xiao Xi won."

There was a round of cheers--

"My son, my son!!"

Although the women's competition was not a good one, Yun Xi really didn't let it go, and Li Bai's operations were at the textbook level.

Looks like a visual feast too!
Li Bai hit nine with one hit, showing off the audience!
No heard the cheers and knew that Yunxi won well. After he finished speaking, before Jinmo could speak, he stood up abruptly and applauded.

No matter whether he is bullying the little friends or not, as long as Yun Xi wins, No will be happy.

Jinmo glanced at No, stood up too, and patted his hands lightly.

As long as the little monster has fun.

When GE's fox and the captain stood up, Camus and MIKI naturally stood up, each smiling brighter than the other.

Four handsome guys with male models in black uniforms stood up together and applauded lightly. This scene is also very handsome——

The members of the Mars team glanced at each other, and the captain Sanqian lowered his head and lowered his voice to ask the dog-headed army division Mushroom.

"Mushroom, all GE employees have stood up, isn't it good if we don't stand up?"

Mushroom smiled.

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's just that people with shorter legs are uglier than them, Captain, you should get used to it."

Three thousand: ...

Sanqian sighed, stood up anyway, and clapped his hands symbolically. At the same time, he felt that it was so good for the GE team to win five girls. They deserved to be so good-looking and single.

Just as Sanqian was thinking this way, he suddenly felt that he had been kicked. He quietly turned his head and saw the female coach of their team holding a small notebook in her hand, with bright eyes, shouting behind them.

"Group soul, look at GE's group soul! Give me some energy too!"

Mushroom coughed and said seriously.

"Coach, that's not the group soul, that's the treatment of the team pet!"

at the same time--

The sound of crystal cracking resounded throughout the stadium.

The last minute of the game is frozen on the big screen——

Yunxi's Fengqiuhuang Li Bai stood in front of the enemy crystal with a long sword in his hand. The crystal exploded into stars all over the sky, and Li Bai's clothes were spotless.

Yun Xi stood up gracefully, amidst the cheers all over the sky, neither humble nor overbearing.

Everyone thought that Yun Xi was going to hate someone... After all, Yun Xi's aura was too strong, but Yun Xi smiled and signaled to the five girls in small skirts sitting diagonally across from them, with a soft voice.

"It was a great fight."

"Just now Zhuge Liang's timing of zooming in the middle lane was well grasped. ADC Yuji and the support team cooperated very fiercely. The one-way bite gold is very good. Well, there is also a jungler cutie. Are you interested in joining a professional team?"

The enemy jungler on the opposite side who was crying just now had a bad face because everyone was cheering because of Yun Xi, but now after hearing Yun Xi's words, she pursed her lips and blushed.


She didn't know what to say for a moment, she raised her head earnestly, and saw Yun Xi's doting smile.

Being praised...

It seems that I lost... and I am very happy...

Fans on the spot.

Sister scene.

Strictly speaking, it is still a bending scene.

Jinmo's black eyes are getting darker and darker, he just wants to take the little monster home... Well, back to GE.

(End of this chapter)

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