The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 267 Remove the word captain

Chapter 267 Remove the word captain

MIKI watched intently from the side as Jinmo delivered snacks to Yunxi on the stage, thinking seriously.

Xiao Xi is the captain's girlfriend.

The captain is Xiao Xi's eldest wife.

What is the relationship between the captain and Xiao Xi?
Or ask the fox.

Fox sure knew.

Actually MIKI cutie should ask Yunxi, Yunxi will tell him clearly——

I would like to accept the monster!
She, Emperor Gong!
Now Emperor Gong Yunxi, the female clothing boss, is standing on the competition stage, facing her eldest wife, and then, Yunxi takes the snacks, and the two pass each other.

Yun Xi faced the audience with a wicked smile, her lips moved slightly, her voice was hoarse and ambiguous.

"Captain, be careful, if you talk too much, your identity as Mr. Yun's eldest wife will be exposed."

Jinmo stroked her hair and said something.

"Eat less snacks, I'll check."

After speaking, prepare to leave.

But Yun Xi suddenly turned her head, looked at him with a smile, and said something in a moderate voice.

"Hey, let's go like this? The referee came up to deliver the snacks in person, is that okay?"

As soon as Yun Xi spoke, it seemed that the eyes of the audience gathered together.

Well, this is just a small beginning for the e-sports circle to become a dog food circle.

Jinmo simply turned around, dressed in a black abstinence uniform, with a handsome face and a deep voice, looking at Yun Xi.

"I am your captain."

Not judges and contestants.

It's the captain.

Yun Xi raised her eyebrows lightly, and heard that many people in the audience were already asking her about her relationship with Jin Mo.

Sure enough, her attacking aura was so obvious.

Yun Churan, who was disguised as a man and sat in an inconspicuous corner of the stands, dragged her chin and clicked her tongue, and said to the man next to her who was wearing a hat and lowered his head, and unconsciously exuded a ghostly aura.

"Tsk, Xixi's women's attire and the boy's officer look really match, it looks really good, little one."

And other fans also think that the two of them just stand there, one with a cheongsam on the body, the other in a uniform with abstinence, full of CP feeling, and a matching face!
"Who is that handsome guy? The one next to the young master."

"Captain GE!"

"Let's find out about the e-sports male model team!"

"I just want to know what is the relationship between the captain and the young master. I always feel that there is a relationship between them... Hehehe..."

The small eyes under the stage stared at Yun Xi.

Yun Xi wrapped her fair fingers around the rope on the snack bag, and the corners of her lips became more and more coquettish.

Do you want to make it public?
Let me introduce to you, this is her eldest wife?

Seeing Yun Xi's eyes flickering, Jin Mo knew that this little monster was full of bad ideas.

This little scourge, he wished everyone would know that he was a crook, didn't he?
They know that it is enough for him to bend, but if he really bends, how can he play e-sports?
After all, this is China, and the acceptance of GAY is very low. If it is revealed that he is gay, no matter whether it is real or fake, with his current identity, there will be a lot of trouble.

Jinmo is not afraid of trouble.

But he didn't like anyone to trouble Yunxi.

He raised his hand to press Yunxi's shoulder, leaned down and whispered to her.

"Be obedient, go back and talk."

Yunxi raised her eyebrows.

I think the captain is trying to hide it.

With their posture, those who didn't know it thought he was going to kiss her.

She heard the fans yelling - "Kiss me, kiss me".


Yun Xi thought about it, and decided that she should not do anything today, so she took a step back and raised the snack bag in her hand.

"Understood the captain, thank you for the snacks with brother, I will go down first."

Jinmo watched Yunxi return to his seat, and then returned to his referee seat. When he turned on his phone, he saw a text message——

"You are my captain? Leave the word captain out."

No saw their captain suddenly squeeze the phone in his palm, and cover his mouth with the other hand.

This pose shows...

Xiao Xi teased the captain again?
No smiled lovingly.

(End of this chapter)

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