The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 286 Diao Chan's MVP

Chapter 286 Diao Chan's MVP
At the entrance of the video game hall, Jin Mo leaned against the wall at the entrance, holding a cigarette between his fingertips.

He lowered his eyes, looked past the decoration blocking the door, and looked at a corner inside.

He can see Yunxi.

Yunxi didn't look at him, Yunxi was looking at No, her movements were intimate, cute and provocative.

Then he watched Yun Xi take No to the somatosensory King of Glory game console, and taught No how to play, smiling happily.

Yunxi can laugh in many ways.

She has a nice smile.

Jinmo just looked into Yunxi's eyes and knew what Yunxi was smiling now.

The smoke between the fingers flickers on and off.

Jin Mo's eyes were obscure and inexplicable.

Heart... sour.

He is a man who doesn't like to smoke, and his self-control is terrible.

No matter how upset he was, he still lit a cigarette, took two puffs, extinguished it, and threw it aside.

But tonight, this is already the second cigarette.

There was a faint bitterness on the corner of his lips, which soon disappeared, and he returned to his usual sternness.

That little monster...

Go seductive again.

Little scourge.

He watched silently here, and kept watching.

The smoke between his fingers burned out, leaving only a little red flame. He squinted his eyes, stood up straight, and tidied up the messy folds on his shirt.

When the slender fingers touched the top button of the shirt, they froze suddenly...

Jinmo turned his head to look into the game hall again.

Under the blue-purple magic lights, Yun Xi was having fun, her movements were lazily casual.

Yunxi started to play a somatosensory game, operating in the air with his left and right hands.

His movements are graceful as if he were playing the piano.

No doesn't seem to be very good at it, but he quickly caught up. The two played the king, one in the single and the other in the wild. They cooperated very well, and Yun Xi smiled very beautifully.

Another circle of people surrounded Yun Xi, watching his operation, cheering and admiring...

So many people like him.

And he also likes many people, and is gentle to all those who treat him well.

Jinmo's hands were hanging by his side, watching Yunxi flaunt in the noise.

How about a feeling.

I want him to be the center of attention, but I want to keep him alone.

I like him to be wanton and arrogant, but I want to imprison him, but I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable.

Jinmo just looked at Yun Xi like that, as if he was arranging his clothes, but all the wrinkles on his shirt were smoothed out, and he didn't move a step.

Yun Xi, who was playing a game, seemed to feel it too, raised his head, and looked outside the door.

Layers of people blocked her, and she could only see a group of happy people surrounding her.

"Come on, little brother!!!"

"Li Bai is so handsome!!!"

"Little brother, can you take off the mask?"

"Little brother pentakill! Continue pentakill!!"

Yun Xi smiled and looked away.

A wandering hand paused for a moment, and on the big screen in front of her and No, the jungler Li Bai suddenly stopped next to the pit of the enemy Blue Papa, and the opponent's jungler Li Yuanfang came over with a dart...

Diao Chan from No. [-] in the middle came to harvest Li Yuanfang beautifully.

NO has not played the game happily for a long time, and he feels that he does not need to touch the screen with his hands. After a short period of discomfort, he can operate very well.

Playing the glory of the king, there is a faint brilliance in the eyes behind the lenses.

very happy!
He can fight the king freely again!
Yunxi adjusted her mood and returned to the battlefield seriously.

"Follow brother, I'll go out and drag them down one by one, and you take someone to steal Juggernaut."

There are more and more people watching, more excited than Yunxi and No, they are waving their arms as if they are operating the game!
"Group! Group together!!"

"Wave after wave!"

"Push the tower, push the tower, push the tower!!!"

"Beautiful!! Won!!!"

No licked the corners of his dry lips, lowered his head, took off his glasses and wiped his eyes.

No matter what kind of game this is, after such a long time, finally...

His Diao Chan was finally the MVP again.

"Follow my brother!"

Yun Xi gave No a thumbs up.

Jinmo threw the cigarette butt into the trash can, turned around, and was almost hit by a girl.

 Liu Ruchi: Recommended votes, comments, rewards~ Come on, come on~
  o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o
  People who are familiar with me know that I have a nickname - "Xiao Tian Wen Da Zong Gong Chi"

  o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o
  Now that this book is written, the old cadres have finally opened up, but the story has just begun hahaha, the road for the old cadres to chase his wife is long.

  It's very happy to skin it.

  o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o
(End of this chapter)

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