Chapter 301
MIKI can't be broken, really can't be broken, even after drinking milk.

There are faint dark circles under MIKI's eyes, and thick brows, obviously distressed.

The finals are coming soon, and he wants to go to bed early and sit in the stands full of energy tomorrow, but the more he wants to sleep, the more he can't sleep.

So he came out for a walk, and saw Yun Xi.

Seeing Yun Xi reminded me of Yun Xi's bedtime story.

Thinking of the bedtime story, he grabbed Yun Xi's clothes.

At this time, MIKI's eyes were flickering with water, pitiful and expectant eyes, like a small furry animal.

Yunxi's heart softened in an instant, and her father's love was overwhelming, she raised her hand and rubbed MIKI's soft short hair.

"I can't sleep, let me tell you a story."

MIKI's eyes lit up, and he handed the big bear he was holding to Ruan Meng, smiling cutely and shyly.

"Thank you, Xiao Xi! Bear hugs you~!!"

It turned out that this big bear pillow was brought by MIKI as a thank you gift to Yun Xi.

Biting her lip, Yunxi hugged Daxiong (actually she wanted to hug MIKI), turned her head and said No to Jinmo Gong Yiheng and No.

"Get some rest, I'll go and put MIKI to sleep first."

Jinmo hesitated to speak, looked at Yunxi, then looked at MIKI who looked forward to it, nodded with a cold face, and then went to warm up a glass of milk for MIKI.

No rubbed the space between his brows, and felt a little sleepy. He shares a dorm with MIKI, so it's time to go back to sleep.

So No said.

"It's getting late, let's all go to rest."

Gong Yiheng stayed alone in the empty room, thought for a while, and asked MIKI.

"MIKI, let's go together, I can't sleep either..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Jin Moti slipped his collar and took him away, and went to heat the milk together.

Gong Yiheng screamed.

"Captain, you can't be so eccentric, brat can play with MIKI and No, what's wrong with playing with me?"

Jinmo looked indifferent.

"Let you stay together, if you find him solo, it will only delay his rest."

Gong Yiheng thought about it, and it was indeed the case.

My heart was strangely balanced.

Of course, the truth is not like this, it can only be said that Gong Yiheng is still too young.

after that.

Yunxi told the story to MIKI for an hour, and MIKI obediently fell asleep hugging the big bear pillow, and fell asleep, his brows were still wrinkled.

No is really tired today and fell asleep early.

The dormitory of the GE club is also very grand. It is said that the dormitory is not much different from a high-end hotel. There is a bathroom, a TV, a desk, and two separate beds.

No's table is very clean, not like an otaku playing e-sports.

And MIKI's desk is a mess, with a lot of drawings and notes thrown on it, all of which are analysis of the situation in the Canyon of Glory of Kings, as well as tactical notes, and even sketches of heroes of Glory of Kings that MIKI casually drew.

MIKI's tablet is still on, and the interface above suspends the "summary of previous KPL finals", from GE's two consecutive championships to the current relegation.

MIKI watched such a horrible thing before going to bed, of course he couldn't fall asleep.

Yun Xi smiled lightly, went over to cover Brother Sui with a quilt, buckled up Miki's tablet, turned off the light, and said softly.

"good night, see you tomorrow."

It was almost dawn outside.

The night of e-sports players is the day of ordinary people.

She really likes the group at GE.

Gong Yiheng dropped out of school for the sake of e-sports, he wasted his youth.

Suigege never gave up on his dream even if he was injured and hurt unbearably.

And MIKI's 17-year-old is still as clean as a piece of white paper.

In addition to the glory of the king, there is almost nothing else in life.

And Jinmo...

Yunxi closed the door, looked up, and saw Jinmo standing in front of her, holding a cup of hot milk in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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