The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 310 The audience can't stand it!

Chapter 310 The audience can't stand it!
"We invite our international actor, Ye Zhihan! International actress! Yun Churan! And actress Zhai Na!!"

"Let's applaud please!!!!"

With the passionate voice of the male host, there is no soundtrack, but all the spotlights are aimed at the channel on stage.

After a brief silence, the audience broke out into extremely ear-piercing screams——

"Ah—Ye Yingdi!!!! Cloud Shadow Empress!!!"

"My lord movie king!! My lord movie queen!!!"


There was a lot of screaming.

Under everyone's attention, Ye Zhihan walked slowly with his arms around Yun Churan's waist.

The white light hit Ye Zhihan's face, his skin was as white as ice and snow.

Ye Zhihan was chilled all over his body, his black hair was combed behind his head, his ice sculpture-like face showed no expression, his body proportions were perfect, his legs were long and firm, and he was as handsome as a god.

It makes people want to get close, but they don't dare to get close at all. They just feel that they will get frostbite if they look at it too much, but they can't help chasing.

The actor's light never fades.

And Yun Churan, who was hugged by his waist, protected and loved in his arms, seemed much gentler than Ye Zhihan's winter-like temperament.

Yun Churan was also known as "Iceberg" when she debuted in her early years, but after she and Ye Zhihan were together publicly, she melted, and Ye Zhihan seemed to be even colder.

Yun Churan was wearing a cheongsam, outlining her slender figure, but with Ye Zhihan tightly hugging her slender waist, no one could see exactly how beautiful she was.

Compared with Yunxi's somewhat coquettish red and black, Yunchu's dyed clothes are much lighter. The ink-painted green bamboos and plum blossoms bloom on her buttons, but they are not as beautiful as hers at this time, and they are always reduced to a foil.

It matches her temperament at this time.

The delicate skin on Hao Wan's body is against Sai Xue, and there is an emerald jade bracelet on her wrist, the emerald is lustrous, and her arms are whiter and more delicate.

As soon as the actress and actor husband and wife arrived, the audience erupted! !

Ye Zhihan and Yun Churan had long been accustomed to this posture, and Shi Shiran walked up to the stage, elegant, majestic, and domineering.

The male host was a little excited to see Ye Zhihan, but also a little stage frightened.

This Movie Emperor Ye's aura is too strong, and he doesn't dare to talk to him. The host's hand holding the microphone is shaking.

Ye Zhihan stretched out his hand, as if to take it, but actually snatched the microphone from the male host's hand. The male host just thanked Ye Yingdi for his care, when Ye Zhihan said with a handsome face.

"You introduced the wrong one."

The male host's face paled instantly, but he heard Ye Zhihan say in an extremely cold but also extremely magnetic voice.

"Let me introduce again, I am Yun Churan's husband, Ye Zhihan."

Yun Churan's smile has been low recently. She dragged her hand, covered her mouth with the back of her hand, took the microphone handed over by the hostess, and said.

"Let me also re-introduce, I am Ye Zhihan's wife, General Gong, Yun Churan."

There was another scream at the scene——

The audience couldn't stand it!

Dog food!

Watching a KPL final also eats dog food! ! !
The host tried his best to ignore the aura of the actor and actress, and at the same time ignored the little transparent female star who had no sense of presence, so the voice of the interview was a little trembling.

"I didn't expect the actor and actress to appear suddenly! When I received the news last night, I didn't sleep well! Ah, can I ask for an autograph after the competition?!"

"Ahem, digressing, actor and actress participated in the star exhibition match of the King of Glory KPL finals later, is it because you also like to play King of Glory? I heard that you are all in the glory of the king!"

Yun Churan smiled lightly.

"It is true that we are all in the Glory rank, but my husband is the Glory King and I am the Glory Gold. My rank was fought on behalf of me. Today I heard that he is also at the KPL scene, so we came over to play."

The host was stunned.

Not in this script!
But there is no actor and actress in the script!
He reacted very quickly and immediately raised the microphone to ask.

"May I ask who is your proxy fighter?!"

 Liu Ruchi: Let us give a round of applause, the acting of the dog food couple! !
  Clap clap applause!

(End of this chapter)

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