The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 312 Dog... dog food?

Chapter 312 Dog... dog food?
Fu Dongfeng smiled gracefully, as if he was not talking to the actor and actress, but telling a fact.

At the same time, it also aroused the enthusiasm of fans!

He knows the truth!
Interview him now!

The host reacted and immediately came to interview Fu Dongfeng.

The host was here to adjust the atmosphere, and he didn't dare to ask Fu Dongfeng who the substitute was.

Obviously the actress didn't want to talk about it, so he asked, did he want to be dealt with by the actor?

"I didn't expect the gentle and gentle Mr. Dongfeng to be an anchor! No wonder some people call you and Mr. Yun together as Mr. 'Wushuang'. The level of e-sports is also comparable hahaha."

But when this was said, at least four people were not happy.

Fu Dongfeng still had a decent smile on his face, but his heart began to lose balance——

Fu Dongfeng suddenly felt resentment in his heart, holding the microphone in his hand, and speaking plainly.

"I haven't played for a long time, and my current level is no longer good. I have a specialization in the art industry. I can't compare with those who only focus on playing games."

His resentment was quite deep, and he felt that it was nothing special to know how to play games.

But no matter how deep it was hidden, Yun Churan couldn't see it?

Yun Churan's character of protecting the calf suddenly emerged.

What do you mean by "a person who is single-minded in playing games", why, you are justified if you can't play the game well?
Our family Xixi is called all-round development!

She was about to speak, but Ye Zhihan turned his head slowly, looked at Fu Dongfeng with extremely cold eyes, his thin lips parted slightly, and his voice was freezing.

"That's right, there is a specialization in surgery. I hope you can remember."

After finishing speaking, Ye Zhihan took a deep look at Fu Dongfeng and didn't speak any more.

But Fu Dongfeng also hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to say a word... It seemed that his little thoughts could be seen.

There was a brief silence on the stage, and the host's nose was dripping with sweat. Actors and actresses are famous for not giving anyone face. If they don't host well, the finals will be over if they screw up!

The host worked hard to liven up the atmosphere, looked towards the audience, and mobilized his emotions again, but his voice was involuntarily a little weak, and his speech was not smooth.

"Now, everyone has already known about our six stars. Now, we have invited four members of the King of Glory KPL team! First, let us invite the captain of the GE team of the Little Sweetheart team, and the new member of the GE team, Mr. Yun ———!”

The three big characters "Young Master Yun" were smashed down, and the embarrassment on the field disappeared instantly. Instead, cheers erupted from the audience, and the silver-white support lights flickered, turning the pitch-black stands into a silver sea of ​​stars.


"Sir, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

Yun Churan leaned lazily on Ye Zhihan's body, exchanged glances with Ye Zhihan, and smiled quite proudly.

Look, my daughter's popularity!

Popularity in the e-sports circle!
Should I say that Dai Da is her daughter?
Tsk, Xixi can't beat her anyway~
The lights of the stage flicked to the backstage, and people looked at the past, but they saw that Yunxi hadn't come over...

Yunxi stood at the entrance, holding Jinmo's arm with one hand, seemingly very intimate, but actually said very helplessly.

"Captain, is my tie fastened?"

Under the spotlight, Jin Mo tied Yunxi's tie, let go, stroked her soft short hair, and nodded.

"Okay, it's not crooked."

This series of little moves was presented in front of all the audience, and everyone was... stunned...

Men and women? !
Dog... dog food?
(End of this chapter)

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