The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 315 Pipixi and the Shadow Puppet Queen

Chapter 315 Pipixi and the Shadow Puppet Queen
In the background of the King of Glory game, Miss Diao Chan may have some vague feelings for Brother Zilong (Zhao Yun), so there is such a line.

Even though the world is far apart, Xiao Chan still...

Yunxi took Diaochan to follow her brother's wishes, and she didn't have any feelings about the lines, and it was her father who took Zhao Zilong, so she had no idea, no idea.

It's a pity that Jinmo thought too much.

Jinmo thinks it was a mistake for him to help Yunxi rob Diaochan.

At the same time, Jinmo glanced at Ye Zhihan lightly, Ye Zhihan was staring at the phone screen, and Yun Churan next to him took off his earphones and whispered with a smile on his face.

Jin Mo narrowed his eyes, a hint of understanding appeared in his eyes.

The "man" next to Ye Zhihan who he could kiss when he was outside turned out to be his wife.

Women dressed as men?

How bold.

Jinmo thought about it, and thought of Yunxi's admiration for Ye Zhihan, and felt a little helpless.

Little evildoer, he already has a wife, what else do you like about him?

The competition venue for this final match is different from the original one. They are also divided into two teams, red and blue. However, the original two teams are sitting in the same row on the stage, facing the audience.

Now they are seated in two semi-circular seats in the center of the field, and VIVO mobile phones have been placed on the table in front of the two teams.

Yunxi and Jinmo belong to the "Little Sweetheart" team, so their nicknames have also become "Little Sweetheart, VII" and "Little Sweetheart, Mr. Yun", which is really sweet enough.

Nongfu Spring is a bit sweet, but not loving the son is a bit hanging.

Before little sweetheart Yun Xi put on her headphones, she could hear screams from the audience calling her name, but after putting on the headphones, those voices were blocked out.

They can only hear the team members' words among each other. Fu Dongfeng doesn't want to hear others calling Mr. Yun's name. The one who put on the earphones first, now Jin Mo Yunxi and the other party's actor and actress couple have all chosen their own. hero.

What's interesting is that they all chose the mid laner and jungle position.

The on-site commentators "Hot and Sour Powder" and "Ma La Tang" introduced themselves in front of the stage, and then began to explain the star exhibition game.

Hot and sour powder is a slightly chubby commentator, with two sweet dimples on his face when he smiles.

He said.

"First of all, our little sweetheart team, little sweetheart V God and Mr. Yun took Luna and Diaochan respectively. Luna and Diaochan are quite mana-consuming heroes. If they can't survive without blue BUFF, then they have to how to spell?"

Malatang is very thin and wearing a pair of glasses, replied.

"V God really likes to invade the opponent's jungle area, and also likes to grab BUFFs with heads. This time they must plan to start with double blue BUFFs. V God starts against the jungle. I don't know if Zhao Zilong, the best actor, can defend his own jungle area."

Hot and sour powder nodded, glanced at the actor who sat in the "big attack group" and never forgot to show affection with his wife, and smiled showing two sweet dimples.

"The rank of the actor is also the rank of the king of glory. This time I feel that I will have a very fierce collision with Luna, the god of V! Wait, what is the nickname of the actor? Was it arranged by the program team?"

Hot and sour powder blinked her small eyes, and was stunned for a second. Malatang, who was attracted by the hot and sour powder, also stared at Ying Yingdi Ye's nickname for a while, couldn't hold back, and almost laughed out loud.

The actor and actress really know how to play!
At this time, cheers and exclamations erupted from the audience!

This is the voice from the heart of the little cuties who have eaten enough dog food——

"I don't want to eat dog food!"

Cloud Shadow Queen's nickname is——

Da Zong Gong, Yun Churan
And Ye Yingdi's nickname is——

(End of this chapter)

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