The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 331 Can't bear to be with someone

Chapter 331 Can't bear to be with someone

The star show is over.

Someone from Fu Dongfeng's film and television company came to pick him up. He put on sunglasses and a mask, and said some polite words to Ye Zhihan and Yun Churan, but no one paid any attention to him, and he left while hiding his embarrassment.

No one saw the resentment under his sunglasses.

It's all your fault, Mr. Yun, for making me offend Yun Churan!
And Ye Zhihan!

You wait!

Actress Xiao Shoushou and actor Ye Zhihan had other schedules. After showing off their affection forcefully, the manager ran over anxiously chattering, chattering, buzzing, buzzing.

Before leaving, Yun Churan still blinked at Yun Xi, and said to Yun Xi and Jin Mo with his arms around Ye Zhihan's waist.

"Looking forward to the next time we are on the same stage together!"

Yun Xi nodded.

After Ye Zhihan also took a look at Yun Xi, he turned back Yun Churan's little head, and left by private plane with his bodyguards.

After Yunxi and Jinmo left the backstage, they didn't stay long, and sat back in the GE line in the auditorium.

Today, GE’s people are very well organized, even the top orders who went back to get married are back, and all GE’s substitutes are sitting, neatly sitting in a row of boys, big and small, wearing black GE uniforms.

These people's looks are not as high as the starters, but they look very tall and straight in black uniforms.

It looked like a dark landscape in the dark auditorium.

Seeing Yunxi and Jinmo approaching, they stood up abruptly to make way for them.

No stood up, tore open a bag of potato chips and handed them to Yun Xi after she sat down.

Gong Yiheng sat next to No, leaning forward from No.

"The stinky boy played well, but what happened to the mysterious move? Give Cub a head to create a chance for him to be hammered by the captain?"

"What does Voldemort mean by that? What do you mean by waiting for your debut? Are you going to be filming?"

Yun Xi was chewing potato chips, Jin Mo unscrewed the mineral water bottle and handed it to her lips, raising it slightly, Yun Xi followed his movements and drank a few sips of water before answering Gong Yiheng.

"That Fu Dongfeng still wants to be a demon. What he meant by waiting for my debut is that I don't deserve to be a clicker at all. I might as well make a movie."

Gong Yiheng was furious immediately, stood up abruptly, and rolled up his sleeves!
"Damn it! I'll just say that kid's funny smile!"

No dragged him down by his clothes and sat down, then opened a pack of snacks for Yunxi, and said lightly at the same time.

"Don't be impulsive, I hope that we Xiaoxi will be impulsive and show our flaws. How could Xiaoxi's Diaochan sell him? He didn't listen to Xiaoxi's words and committed suicide. And when we first started soloing with Mulan, there was basically no problem, but That lost position is simply a slippery hand."

He took away the empty bag of potato chips that Yun Xi had eaten, handed Ruan Meng a new pack of snacks, and asked worriedly.

"Did that Voldemort do something? The phone slipped?"

Yun Xi took a bite of the snack and said inarticulately.

"It's not that the phone slipped, it's that he hit my leg under the table. There's no camera under the table, so it can't be captured. This kind of dirty little trick can only be done by this kind of dirty guy."

Gong Yiheng exploded even more when he heard it!

"Why didn't you abuse him thousands of times in the king?! When I saw him, I had to smash his head!"

Yunxi said lightly.

"We are teammates, how to kill him."

Gong Yiheng gasped, but suddenly rubbed his arms.

"Fox, is the air conditioner in this gym turned on too strongly?"

No rolled his eyes at Gong Yiheng, Gong Yiheng saw the murderous face of the humanoid refrigerator Jinmo, and smiled instantly.

"Don't be afraid, brat, let the captain deal with him! Let him spread his tail like a male peacock and break his legs! Didn't that Mixiu stay in prison last time?"

Yun Xi handed the snack bag to Jinmo, and Jinmo folded the snack bag into square tofu cubes.

She said with a smile.

"Today is the finals. We will watch the finals seriously. This kind of rubbish is not worthy of wasting our time."

KPL is a prosperous age for them.

This kind of rubbish, a demon?
Continue to do what you can.

To be a demon by Yun Xi's side is to die.

Yunxi clicked on Weibo casually, and searched for "Fu Dongfeng" at random. Sure enough, Fu Dongfeng couldn't hold back after a while, and posted a Weibo——

"Can't bear to be with someone."

Yun Xi glanced at her, and a bright smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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