The e-sports life of men's clothing

After Chapter 344, it will be sweeter

After Chapter 344, it will be sweeter
Yun Xi is also a Buddhist, wearing a military uniform and leaning lazily on the back of the chair, facing the camera with bright red lips, smiling lazily, like a cat just waking up.

The camera shifted to capture the two girls sitting in the back row of Yunxi.

Two excited girls clasped their hands together, their eyes gleaming like wolfs, staring at the picture in the gymnasium!
At first glance, she is a rotten woman.

A white light flashed on No's lens, and he said softly to Yunxi.

"Xiao Xi, do your fans have any special attributes?"

Color control.

hand control.

voice control.

game control...

It's all like this, and I'm sure I'll be attacked by the house rot.

Yun Xi looked at the picture in the camera with doting eyes, and said.

"That's right, they're all little shoushou."

In the eyes of fans: son, you are a monster! !
Sitting next to Yunxi, Jinmo took out a candy from his pocket, which also tasted like cantaloupe.

He looked at the candy for a long time, then put it in his pocket again, with his sandalwood hair hanging on his tall nose, and a faint smile in his eyes.

is sweet.

In the future, it will be sweeter.


The game on the stage continued again.

The shouts in the audience have completely changed. They were originally fans of the QwQ team, but later they were changed to ISE shouts because of Yu Fan's actions, and now they are in chaos because of Yunxi Jinmo's sudden CP.

Don't underestimate the power of rotten girls.

In other words, Yun Xi and Jin Mo also helped the QwQ team reduce some of the pressure.

Yu Fan's personality traits are very obvious, and he attracts both fans and blacks.

His love and hate are both pure and extreme.

To hate someone is to die.

And when you love someone, you will love to the point of madness.

Some people regard life as a game.

He regards games as his life.

Sitting in the game seat again, the members of the QwQ team were a little trembling, Su Ruochen sighed and stretched his wrists, and said to Yu Fan.

"Yu Fan, don't take it too seriously, Adam didn't do it on purpose, he just made a normal hand slip..."

Yu Fan held the earphone in his hand and turned his head.

"If he did it on purpose, he wouldn't be able to sit here right now."

"What did you say before you came? What we want is a championship trophy, not countless excuses."

After speaking, Yu Fan sat on the seat, put on the earphones, and squinted at the phone interface.

Su Ruochen let out a heavy breath, and sat back in his seat.

good!Hit well!
Must win!
Adam and Eve looked at each other, lowered their heads together, and adjusted their attitudes to be serious and serious.

Trembling for my life.

The more chaotic the QwQ team is, the more stable the ISE team is. The chubby coach touched the prayer beads on his neck and smiled like a Buddha.

"Buddhism is very useful, the QwQ team is already in chaos, so we will continue with Buddhism."

Cub looked at Yu Fan who was facing him with his head down, and suddenly muttered.

"I hope you can still be so stable as a coach in the next game."

The coach continued the Buddhist line, stroking the beads.

"Don't be afraid, even if the world perishes, we will still be Buddha-like. After a while, we will still choose heroes according to Buddha-like, kiss with Buddha-nature, and we will win."

In the auditorium, No took out a small notebook in the dim light, and took out the pen he carried with him to write and draw on the small notebook.

Yunxi turned her head and took No's small notebook away.

No's eyebrows frowned instantly, immersed in the calculation, he was very irritable when he was suddenly interrupted, but when he raised his head, he found it was Yunxi, and his expression turned cloudy in an instant.

"Xiao Xi, what's wrong?"

Yunxi closed the small book, put it on No's lap, and said.

"Brother Sui, if you have such bad eyes, you have to calculate that I can help you."

Then Gong Yiheng admired how perverted the two mathematicians are——

(End of this chapter)

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