The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 364 Want to take a photo together?

Chapter 364 Want to take a photo together?

Yunxi's strength interpretation of what is called——

From handsome to big!
In elementary school, Yunxi played the piano quietly like a prince, the sun fell on his face, he squinted his eyes, and his eyes were as clear as streams.

The whole place was silent.

And then in my heart - damn it!
I rub!

What the hell!

Become a fan of a five-year-old child!
Gong Yiheng was really dumbfounded.

He was also handsome when he was young, but compared to that brat at the age of five, he was like a mud monkey.

Next, the video turned to Yun Xi's junior high school.

The style of Yun Xi's junior high school has changed.

From a young boy, he became a beautiful boy in one fell swoop.

A beautiful boy who came out of the manga.

Under a cherry tree, the cherry blossoms are falling like rain.

She propped up her long legs, put her hands behind her head, and closed her eyes.

The shot is a distant view.

People who don't know it think it's a pictorial with still characters, and people who are beautiful don't know how to breathe.

At that time, Yunxi looked very gentle.

The pink cherry blossoms are slowly falling.

Everyone could see that a gentle young man slowly opened his eyes, spread his palms, and watched a petal slowly fall into his palm, with a lazy smile on his lips.

Cen Ziyan said in a low voice with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"Brother Yun had the prettiest smile when he was in junior high... girl killer! But Brother Yun always likes to be alone."

Yun Xi is also looking at herself.

At that time, she had already started to go to school normally, but she was still a little annoyed when she saw people, and she often ran under the tree alone.

The reason is not for some beautiful painting style.

It's all because the petals fall on the ground, and the pillow is soft, and the fragrance of flowers can also help sleep.

Such a gentle and beautiful boy...

Countless fans again.

The camera still in place felt that Mr. Yun's whitewashing was a bit ruthless!

Mr. Dongfeng increases his popularity by stepping on people, but Mr. Yun only needs to post his own video, this fan...

Bass mist up.

The more black he is, the more popular he is, he must be someone like Mr. Yun.


This kind of person should have been popular long ago, how did they know that there is such a handsome No. [-] person until now?
The video changed again.

This time it was Yun Xi from high school.

Of course he is handsome, as handsome as now.

No plastic surgery, as long as you are not blind, you can tell the difference.

People who have eyes are the same as being blind don't need to think about it, they are not in the category of people.

Yun Xi's high school uniform is a smoky gray suit-style school uniform with a tie inside. She likes to carry her schoolbag over her shoulder with one hand and a pack of yogurt in her mouth.

This video was shot secretly, following Yun Xi ten steps away.

The man was obviously following Yunxi, and Yunxi walked in front, seemingly not seeing anything, and chatting with a tall and handsome young man next to him.

After walking a few steps, Yun Xi suddenly stopped.

The person who took the sneak shot also stopped and turned to the corner.

At this moment, Yunxi suddenly turned her head...

It's hard to describe the elegance of a person when he looks back.

Short chestnut hair brushed the corners of his eyes and brows.

The world lost its color behind this young man.

Yun Xi raised her eyebrows, said something, and walked over to the person taking the sneak shot with her schoolbag in her backhand, the smile on her lips was a bit sinister, she looked like a bad boy.When I was a student, I was handsome and handsome.

The person who took the sneak shot was trembling a little, and the camera lens moved down to the ground, capturing Yun Xi's long legs.

Everyone who watched the video seemed to be the one who secretly took the video, the one who silently watched Yunxi.

Then, everyone felt the camera lens shake, and then they heard a gentle and magnetic voice.

"Hey, don't be afraid. Want to take a photo?"

(End of this chapter)

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