The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 371 Maybe I Miss You

Chapter 371 Maybe I Miss You

court death?

Yun Churan's expression also turned cold all of a sudden, he closed his cloak, took Ye Zhihan's extended hand and boarded the helicopter.

"What happened to Xi Xi?"

Ye Zhihan hadn't been really angry for a long time, unless Xixi and her, no one could make him angry.

Ye Zhihan leaned on the seat in the cockpit and gave a soft "hmm".

Yun Churan hurriedly picked up his phone to look at it, and when he saw it—his hands were shaking with anger!

Those people, those people... just insult her daughter like this? ! !

It's not easy for Ping Anan to grow up so big, they still look for black material?

Plastic surgery?

Pick up?

Touch porcelain? !
Have you ever touched your parents? ! !
Who does our family owe Xixi, you can black out if you want?Curse if you want? !

Yun Churan opened Weibo, touched the phone with her fingers, almost broke her nails!

Ye Zhihan grabbed her hand and put it in his arms, Yun Churan let out a breath.

Calm down, calm down, you can't tell about your relationship with Xixi...


The parents are so incompetent!

Yun Churan calmed down and typed on Weibo——

The Internet is virtual, but people are real.

Is it fun to frame people out of thin air? !
We will not spare any of the people who framed Mr. Yun if we find out!
She was very angry, and her warm eyes turned ice.

Xixi is her daughter, and she loves her more than anyone else.

After typing, she was still angry and sad.

She turned her head to look at Ye Zhihan who was sitting next to him without saying a word. Ye Zhihan seemed to be... tweeting?

It's rare to see her Bingshan husband also post on Weibo?
I was really angry.

She leaned over to take a look, and only saw the words "You are looking for death" at the bottom, Ye Zhihan directly deleted the draft, and then put the phone away after bringing up other interfaces of the phone.

"Let's go find her first."

I was so anxious that I didn't even call the pilot, and flew the plane by myself.

Yun Chu pursed his lips and said softly.

"Call her, Xixi may miss you now."

Ye Zhihan didn't make a sound.

The roar of the plane overwhelmed all other sounds, and Yun Churan could see that Ye Zhihan's eyes were a little red.


He obviously has a close relationship, and he typed the words "you are looking for death" to those dark people angrily. He obviously provided the video broadcast by those bastards, and they secretly watched Xixi grow up together. video.


"You care about Xixi so secretly, how could Xixi know?"

"I don't blame you for that matter, you can face Xixi well. Besides, after so many years, it should be fine..."

Yun Churan lowered his eyes lightly, as the helicopter ascended, everything on the land was rapidly falling and shrinking.

It should be fine.

Xixi has never called her father since she was sensible.

Ye Zhihan frowned, and was so angry that there was a sense of evil on his iceberg-like face.

He looked sideways at Yun Churan and shook his head slightly.


Fu Dongfeng didn't understand, he really couldn't understand.

How many backgrounds does Mr. Yun have?

If he had a background, why did Mi Xiu hack him like that when he played a live broadcast?
Yun Xi: At that time, I just wanted to play a game in peace, so I ignored him.

Fu Dongfeng couldn't sit still.

The relationship between the actress and Mr. Yun is something he never thought of!
They actually know each other?

I know him!

Could it be... Mr. Yun was taken care of by Yun Churan?

This backstage is even more powerful than Xu Mingxuan who has unspoken rules... Damn it.

At this time, what should be done, what should be done...

The coffee in Fu Dongfeng's hand almost spilled, and he kept circling around the room.

Can't be chaotic, can't be chaotic, think of a way, think of a way.

(End of this chapter)

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