The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 577 Captain, Can You Let Me Go

Chapter 577 Captain, Can You Let Me Go

The review is over, did you find someone to come over to play?

Also close the door to play.

Not afraid of accidents?

Yunxi said that something happened to her a big man, and she was reviewing this kind of thing...

"Can you not get so close to me??"

Out of the corner of Jinmo's eyes, he glanced at Yu Fan who was standing beside him, his voice became deeper and more dangerous, not only did he not leave, but he even pressed down even more.

"He can, but I can't?"

Jinmo was outside wearing a croaking apron and cooking for Yun Xi for half a day. When he turned around, he realized that he had been cheated on?

Yunxi stepped on Jinmo's instep, wondering why this old cadre went crazy.

Yu Fan sells himself to pay off his debts, so can you?
Jinmo: You can sell yourself

Jin Mo and Yun Xi were tired and crooked for a long time, Yu Fan bent down with a smile, gently stroking the husky's head, and the smile on his lips gradually faded in the direction facing Yun Xi.

Team Jin really likes Yun Xi, bent?
It's fun to bend.

His smoky gray eyes were smoky, and his expression became even more unclear. Husky had already shifted his target, and gave up Jinmo's charging cable to bite something to grind his teeth.

Yu Fan hugged the restless Erha, who writhed crazily in his arms, howling.

Yu Fan lowered his head and looked at Erha coldly, feeling wronged by Erha, with a groan, his claws rested on Yu Fan's arm and stopped moving, Yu Fan then said softly.

"This is a good boy."

After speaking, he hugged Erha and turned his head and said to Jinmo and Yunxi.

"You talk first, I'll go out first."

Since Jin Mo came here, the air here is not good.

Jin Mo nodded, Yun Xi also wanted to talk to Yu Fan, but when he raised his hand, Jin Mo pressed her down, her figure was completely blocked by Jin Mo, and Yu Fan couldn't see clearly, he smiled lightly, lifted Qi Erha waved his claws at Yun Xi.

Yu Fan hugged Erha and left. Erha finally managed to be a quiet handsome man, but unfortunately the image of the handsome man was not saved until he left the office, and he became agitated again, his claws resting on Yu Fan's shoulder.

Then he lowered his head and tried to nibble on the button on Yu Fan's chest.

The wet saliva licked Yu Fan's white shirt wet.

Yu Fan: ...

Erha: Aww~~——

Yu Fan has a cleanliness habit, and he couldn't bear it at all. His face was dark for a long time, and he turned his head and said to Jin Mo.

"Team, I'll go home and change some clothes, and I'll come back in the afternoon."

I would like to say.

"it is good."

Yunxi stood on tiptoe and poked her head out of Jinmo's shoulder, and said to Yu Fan.


Seeing Yunxi's appearance like a trapped animal in Jinmo's arms, Yu Fan couldn't help but curl his red lips, but there was a hint of displeasure in his eyes, he said.

"Be careful, don't be eaten by the big bad wolf."

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Yunxi's reaction, and left with Erha, who at some point put Jinmo's charging cable in his mouth again, and was turned into an emoji by Yu Fan.

After Yu Fan left, Yun Xi let out a sigh of relief, raised her hand and patted Jin Mo's shoulder, feeling completely bewildered.

"Captain, can you let me go?"

Jinmo's eyes were dark and his body was motionless. After all, Yunxi's strength was not as strong as Jinmo's, and after pushing for a long time, he didn't even push.

Jinmo simply pressed her restless body towards the front of the table, Yun Xi's body was soft, just like this, her back was pressed against Jinmo's chest, embedded in his arms.

The man's scorching temperature spread to Yunxi's back through the thin clothes, and she could clearly feel Jinmo's steady heartbeat.

(End of this chapter)

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