The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 580 is GE made me rotten QwQ

Chapter 580 is GE made me rotten QwQ

That little notebook is full of this stuff—

Captain X Yunzi (office play)

Camus XMIKI (feeding play)

Yungongzi XNo (doctor play)

Young Master Yun X Camus (Let's have a field battle)

Young Master Yun X Edward (Blackened Imprisonment play)

Mr. Yun XMIKI...

Gong Yiheng stared dumbfounded, the hand holding the phone was shaking, the team manager's face turned red and white, and he almost cried and hugged Gong Yiheng's thigh.

He was just flirting, woohoo, he really didn't do anything.

If this thing is discovered by the captain, he will be executed!
The team manager's newly dyed red hair drooped weakly, trembling, trembling.

The corners of Gong Yiheng's lips twitched slightly, the most incomprehensible thing was——

"You are a man, what do you think about all day?"

Men shouldn't like girls with big breasts, thin butts, buttocks, why is this guy...?
The team manager wiped his eyes sadly, and said aggrievedly.

"GE doesn't even have a woman. Over time, I'll... rot..."

Gong Yiheng asked.

"What is rotten??"

The team manager said tangledly.

"It's just... how should I put it, I really like watching two beautiful boys fall in love."

As soon as the team manager mentioned this, the scene of Yun Xi and Yu Fan sitting on the desk looking at each other and chatting immediately appeared in Gong Yiheng's mind.

Two beautiful boys, yes.

Falling in love... doesn't exist.

Gong Yiheng sighed, and threw the phone to the team manager, who caught it carefully and looked at Gong Yiheng with pitiful and innocent eyes.

"I really just wrote it blindly. I didn't plan to type a text or anything... The matching is also a random match. Who made me a cloud party..."

His voice became smaller and smaller, and the little Gong Yiheng couldn't hear clearly.

Gong Yiheng didn't intend to hear it clearly either.

He was in a mess, raised his hand and brushed his hair back, Gong Yiheng thought silently.

This is going to end, GE is really going to become gay?
Would you like to watch two beautiful boys fall in love even if you are not gay?
This this……

Gong Yiheng sighed again and warned.

"You delete those filthy things, and then let me see, I will throw you out of the club, and then tell the captain. Also, what beautiful boy is dating?! If you like a man, find one yourself!"

Hearing the word captain, the team manager trembled and stretched out his finger to assure.

"Absolutely not, I will definitely delete it. Besides, I am straight... I just like watching you bend..."

The last few words were so low-pitched that I dared not say them for fear of being beaten to death.

Gong Yiheng felt that it was not safe, and urged him again.

"Don't just delete it, don't even think about it!!"

Let's have a field battle...


Gong Yiheng just got rid of his chest, and his mind was full of this again.

It really doesn't allow people to be a straight man.

After Gong Yiheng left, Yun Xi also comforted Edward.

Edward has always been a very quiet person. He listened to Yun Xi talking to him, his green eyes were like a clear spring, and his long eyelashes fluttered slightly.

"Yun Xi, thank you... for helping me."

Yun Xi shrugged her shoulders and let out a chuckle, she kept the distance from Edward, her lips curved beautifully and gently.

"You're welcome. Actually, I didn't help you. If someone here bullies you or makes you feel uncomfortable, you can call me. I'm always there. Now you have a separate bathroom to wash up first. I'll buy you a Put on new clothes as an apology for him, you can see..."

"I don't want an apology."

Edward pursed his lips and said to her.

 Liu Ruchi: The Mid-Autumn Festival is on holiday~ ok~
  happy holidays~
  (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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