The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 583 Of course I like cute girls

Chapter 583 Of course I like cute girls
Yunxi is here, and it's not just Jinmo who is liked by girls.

In flirting with girls, Yunxi has never lost.

She raised her lips to look at Jinmo, the lips that had just been wiped were alluring.

"Those girls just let me come. Captain, you can relax the recruitment criteria. I'm not saying that I absolutely want the blue girl to join the team, but it would be good to have more girls."

With more girls, Gong Yiheng might not be so gay.

Yunxi still has some shadows about his subconsciously groping hands. After all, her "chest muscles" are relatively soft. If there are more girls, maybe he will be more normal.

Not only Gong Yiheng, but also other substitutes, the children of the youth training team can feel that this world is normal, there are not only men, but also women!
The women in GE are all extinct.

The world is in harmony.

Yunxi sighed, sorrow made her hungry, she took a bite of Maoxuewang and sighed to Captain Jin.

"Hey, how do you survive in this world without cute girls?"

Yunxi couldn't understand.

Cute girls are treasures in the world, but here is only a bunch of big pigs.

Jin. Big pig's trotters. Mo sat on the chair with his back straight, his hands clasped on the table, his voice was low and there was an inexplicable meaning.

"In the past ten years, have you never been short of girls around you?"

The temperature in the restaurant dropped sharply, and Pipixi didn't feel anything. She thought about it, and since she was in junior high school, she really hasn't missed anything.

"Cute girls make people happy."

Yunxi said, continue to eat, eat, eat.

Jin Mo looked at Yun Xi's profile, with a sneer on his lips.

That's a pity.

GE really doesn't have any cute girls.

Jin Mo squinted his eyes slightly to look at Yun Xi, and asked calmly.

"So you like girls now?"

His tone was still very serious, but Yun Xi almost spit out the food he was eating!

Of course, how could Mr. Yun spray rice?

How could Mr. Yun like women? !
She is not bent, steel is straight.

She wiped her mouth with a tissue, turned her head to look at Jinmo, and said with a smile.

"It doesn't make sense for you to ask this. I'm straight, very straight. Don't worry, Captain. Although I've talked to you about girls, it doesn't mean I'll do anything to them. I just like cute girls very much. They're so cute when they smile."

As Yun Xi spoke, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, and her eyes softened.

Jinmo felt that the emotions in his heart were overwhelmed, and his heart was about to be grabbed...

The little monster was remembering a girl.

A girl with a cute smile!
"Have you ever seen such a person?"

Jinmo couldn't help asking, pressing a corner of the table with his hands.

Yun Xi really thought of someone, and the expression on her face became warm and soft. She said "um", and the smile on the corner of her lips was a little... pampering? !

Jinmo's eyes sharpen instantly!
He looked at Yun Xi, Yun Xi was unconscious.

Yun Xi did think of a "girl" who smiled very cutely, no matter how old a woman is, she is a cute girl.

She thought of her mother who said hello to girls all day long and liked to watch girls dance when she had nothing to do.

Many of her ways were taught by her mother. It can be said that she was taught crookedly since she was a child.

But Yun Shou Shou's smile is really cute, flirtatious, and cute, no wonder her father...

Ye Zhihan: Oh? !

Yun Xi was distracted for a while, and suddenly heard a click——

A corner of the table was broken off by Jinmo!

Yunxi: ...? ! !
(End of this chapter)

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