The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 598 I'm Gong, I Can't Help You

Chapter 598 I'm Gong, I Can't Help You

Hearing the word "woman", Yu Fan obviously frowned slightly with disgust on his face.

Yunxi knew that he was almost being taken care of by a rich woman, so he might be resistant to women... So this poppie, isn't she crooked? ?

Yun Xi's lips were also a little dry. She threw the wine bottle on the bed, and moved her right hand away from Yu Fan's lap, but Yu Fan's hand pressed hers, and the burning palm was pressed against the back of Yun Xi's hand, conveying the pain in his body. normal temperature.

It's not an option to go on like this, don't hold back and explode to death...

Yunxi squinted her eyes, thinking that this was really not easy to deal with. If it wasn't for Yu Fan, she could help find a man and woman, but it was Yu Fan who was drugged, and she really found someone to relieve him. Maybe she When I went in, I saw two dead bodies.


Yun Xi sighed softly, and couldn't help but tell Yu Fan.

"What are you doing in this kind of place again? Why are you so careless?"

Saying that, she was about to stand up and drag Yu Fan off the bed, maybe it would be better to take a cold shower.

But Yu Fan grabbed her hand and pressed her body down again, his smoky eyes seemed to be unable to see her clearly, Yu Fan leaned on the bed to get closer to her, Yun Xi could feel their faces getting closer and closer. The hot breath caressing her face.

She was extremely uncomfortable, and when she raised her foot to kick someone, she remembered that Yu Fan was still stiff...

What's the matter!
"Yu Fan!"

She called Yu Fan's name, and put her fingers together to make a knife-handed look, but Yu Fan squeezed her hand into his own even faster, and he was almost lying in Yunxi's arms and talking to her.

It doesn't seem to be the case, he can't see her clearly, and he can't hear her clearly.

But even if he is face-blind, he can't see people clearly even if he gets close.

Yu Fan whispered in a hazy and ambiguous voice.

"I don't want others, I want you."

These are the true words in his heart, but Yun Xi thought he was completely confused by the medicine, and even said such words, she became more and more nervous, but Yu Fan couldn't listen to anything, and she relied even more close.

"...Can't it be you? Can't you help me?"

Yun Xi said that she wanted to live two more years.

Yun Xi straightened Yu Fan's body and spoke seriously.

"I'm Gong, I can't help you, ah, to put it simply, I'm the one above, I can't help you."

Yu Fan blinked, and then bit his lip lightly. It looked very attractive with a bit of confusion in the sexiness, and he said softly again.

"Then I can be below, just lighten up."

Yun Xi's head would explode when he heard that, my God, you... Poppy, you... you, you, you!

Why are you a victim? !

Yun Xi felt that there was no way to communicate. She pressed Yu Fan's shoulder and looked into his eyes with serious and condensed eyes.

"If you dare to come to this kind of place again in the future, I will really punish you. Why is it like this..."

If she hadn't known that Yu Fan was a performer but not a person, she would have thought that...

really makes people...

How is this guy...

Yun Xi's face was full of confusion, GE's ex-teammate, Yu Meiren, it's a good thing she came early, otherwise he would have let that fat man get his way when he woke up? ?
The more Yun Xi thinks about it, the more headache she gets.

The "clean up" that Jin Mo used on her was given to Yu Fan by Yun Xi intact.

Yu Fan blinked and bit his lips to restrain the corners of his lips that were about to turn up. Then he was lifted up by Yun Xi, and the bathroom door was kicked open by Yun Xi, who threw him into the bathroom.

Yu Fan stood in the bathroom, biting his lip and looking at Yun Xi in confusion.

Yunxi: ...

(End of this chapter)

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