The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 658 It's Not Us, It's You

Chapter 658 It's Not Us, It's You

Min Yang's roommate walked away in despair, without the enthusiasm he had when he came here. When he went up the stairs, he was still walking slowly at first, and then he started jumping up the steps frantically, obviously trying to escape Min Yang's sight .

He is going crazy!


That guy Min Yang not only didn't die, but he did so well!
He returned to his office, no matter how he saw his desk was not pleasing to the eye, he roared and pushed everything on the desk to the ground, and then rubbed his hair in pain.

I don't understand, I don't understand, how did that guy get rich?
It doesn't matter if he can't figure it out, because he went crazy in the office, but was discovered by the leader, and his salary was suspended for a month.

Without salary, he couldn’t pay the rent and car loan, which caused him to be evicted by the landlord, and his girlfriend ran away with others after the eviction.

When he had nothing left, he met Min Yang, who was having sex with his teammates. He was so frightened that he hid in a small corner and almost stepped on the excrement of an animal in the corner.

At that time, he began to regret, if he had a good relationship with Min Yang, wouldn't he be able to hug a super thick leg?

It's a pity that he joked about Min Yang, and now he is worried that this big thick leg will lift up one day and kick him to death.

Min Yang bid farewell to his roommate, looked at the car keys happily, and was very curious about what kind of car it was.

In a throbbing thought, he secretly pressed the car key, waiting for a Ferrari among the sports cars to answer his call!

Come out, Mr. Yun's leather car!
Ferrari Enzo: Huh?
He made an ecstasy pose, with his right hand in front of him, his neck leaning forward to follow the direction of his right hand, and a finger of his left hand stretched out and pressed down with such an ecstasy~
Nothing happened.

Everything is quiet.

Min Yang: ...

Gong Yiheng glanced at it, endured it, couldn't help it, hahahahaha laughed while holding his stomach.

"Min Yang, are you an idiot sent by Peppa Pig??"

Min Yang: ...

Jinmo glanced at Gong Yiheng, threw down his hand on his shoulder, and continued to look at Yunxi with his arms folded and a restrained face.

Cen Ziyan's chubby face was already reddened, and out of some kind of conscience discovery, he walked over and said to Min Yang in a low voice.

"Um... Sociology senior, Brother Yun's car is still in the garage, this is just a car key."

Minyang: oh
"Then what car do you usually drive to school, Brother Yun?"

Min Yang was very curious.

Cen Ziyan raised his double chin proudly.


Min Yang: ...

I really don't understand what strange things these rich people have in their heads.

Can't drive a sports car and go to school by bike?
Is it a shared bicycle? ?

Min Yang made up his mind about Yunxi in white shirt and jeans riding a green shared bicycle, and suddenly felt... pretty good-looking?

If you want to live a decent life, you must have some green on your body.

They were making fun here, Teacher Yin's family of three didn't know what to say, but their own three views were refreshed again and again, Teacher Yin quietly asked her dad.

"What is a 1000 million Ferrari?"

Teacher Yin's father sighed.

"It's something we can't afford."

Teacher Yin: ...

Next to him, Yunxi went to chat with the principal for a while, the two of them didn't know what they were talking about, the old principal frowned, picked up his cell phone and made a call.

Teacher Yin watched and went to talk to her father again.

"Dad, I think they're going to start picking us up."

Her father glanced at her, then quietly took a step aside, distanced himself from her, and at the same time spoke righteously.

"It's not us, it's you."

(End of this chapter)

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