The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 682 MIKI: Chirp Mi

Chapter 682 MIKI: Chirp Mi

Jinmo then took a step back, clapped his hands, and showed a satisfied look.

"Very well, this is perfect."

Gong Yiheng's head was big, he pulled down the zipper of his jacket and then pulled it up again, and bumped into Yunxi quietly with his arms with a troubled expression on his face.

"Hey, brat, has this changed?"

Yun Xi took a serious look at the exterior of the villa, and the corners of her lips could not help twitching. She found that there was no bark on the wooden pillars on the east side of the villa, but on the west side.

So Jinmo pulled off the bark on the west side, and the two sides will be symmetrical?
Jinmo's obsessive-compulsive disorder can't be such a ghost, can it? ?
Yun Xi felt a dull pain in the two red marks on her collarbone.

She couldn't help asking Gong Yiheng.

"Does Team Jin have obsessive-compulsive disorder, or the advanced one?"

Gong Yiheng nodded.

"Yes, you didn't notice that everything in his office is neat and the things in the room are symmetrical. Do you know that what you see on the east side of his office must have one on the west side. Every time I It looks very perverted.”

Yunxi agrees.

She often does homework in Jinmo's office, and she knows these things very well. She even secretly speculated whether the patterns on Jinmo's underwear are all symmetrical.

It's just that she was still in school before, and she didn't know Jinmo that well. Now that she is going to live together, why does she feel that these people are very strange people?

Forget it, how dare you go out to meet people if you don't have any eccentricities these days.

Yunxi was thinking about holding cotton candy in one hand and carrying a schoolbag on one shoulder, and picked up Jinmo's suitcase, and Jinmo was holding Yunxi's suitcase and carrying Yunxi's bag, Gong Yiheng and MIKI didn't have any luggage take.

Gong Yiheng really wanted to help Yunxi get things, but the captain refused, so he could only open the door.

Yunxi walked behind Jinmo and Gong Yiheng, Miki, who had been trying to solve the Rubik's Cube, suddenly walked up to her quietly, raised his hand and handed the completed Rubik's Cube to Yunxi, raising his chin and smiling a bit shyly Shy.

The fifth-order Rubik's cube is a 5X5X5 Rubik's cube. There are five small pieces on each edge and 25 pieces on each side. It is more complicated to put together and can also present different shapes.

MIKI's cute little hands spread out their palms, and there is a heart shape in the middle of each face of the Rubik's Cube lying in the palms, which is cute and beautiful.

Yunxi chuckled and said to MIKI.


Miki lowered his head in embarrassment, his baby face was full of shyness, he said to Yun Xi obediently.

"For you! Thank you for coming to GE!"

After speaking, MIKI raised his head and showed a big smile.

The sun fell on his face, the fair skin and the freshly peeled egg looked bouncy, Yun Xi's little hand was about to move, and he really wanted to pinch MIKI's face.

The marshmallow in her arms suddenly meowed, jumped up from her arms, and jumped towards the Rubik's Cube in MIKI's hand.

Both Yunxi and MIKI were startled, and MIKI hurriedly stretched out his hand to catch the marshmallow. Just as the Rubik's Cube was about to fall to the ground, a slender hand appeared in the sky and rescued the Rubik's Cube.

Yunxi and MIKI breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and looked at Jinmo who suddenly appeared behind them.

"Captain, thank you."

MIKI said, his eyes lit up when he saw Jinmo, like a child waiting for his parents to praise him.

"It only takes me 15 seconds to put together the third-order Rubik's Cube!"

Jinmo handed the fifth-order Rubik's Cube to MIKI and praised it.

"not bad."

MIKI's eyes were bright, and he turned his head and said seriously to Yunxi, holding his little paw.

"Xiao Xi, wait for me to learn a higher-level Rubik's Cube, and I will fight harder for you!"

Yun Xi laughed lightly.

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

MIKI is really cute. Don't want it.

MIKI: Chirp Mi

(End of this chapter)

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