The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 773 Gentle Mr. Yun

Chapter 773 Gentle Mr. Yun
Jinmo was still entangled by Su Qingyun and Mo Zhe, and Yunxi was alone in Yunxi's corridor.

Yunxi came out of the bathroom, looked down and saw many people standing in the living room, and the floor fell...

sanitary napkin? ?

Yun Xi was slightly stunned, she just stood in the corridor and looked at it for a while, when Lan Xueyun looked up and saw Yun Xi, she immediately pouted her mouth aggrieved, like a bullied little animal found its mother.

"Master Yun..."

Listen to the tone, almost crying.

Yun Xi couldn't help but wonder if Gong Yiheng did something excessive to her?

However, Gong Yiheng's estimation of the cruelty towards girls is similar to Jinmo's. Both of them are female killers, and they are chasing after their girls, but the two of them are so clean.

Sure enough, it is born to be bent.

Yun Xi stood still, and Lan Xueyun felt even more wronged.

"Young Master Yun, why don't you come down and take a look?"

Having said that, it seemed inappropriate for Yun Xi to stand upstairs and watch the excitement. She smiled at Lan Xuejun, and the magnetic voice reached Lan Xuejun's ears. Lan Xueyun felt that her whole body was healed.

"Well, I'm coming down now."

Lan Xueyun's tears burst again.

Sure enough, in the entire GE, only Mr. Yun is a normal person.

Gong Yiheng was sitting on the sofa, pinching the bag of instant noodles irritably, the instant noodles were being squeezed by him with a crackling sound, the dough inside must have been broken into slag.

His lips were tight, and it was obvious that he was on the verge of being irritable.

He hasn't beaten anyone for a long time, and he has never hit a woman, but this woman is really...

Gong Yiheng thought about it, and with a click, the instant noodle bag in his hand broke, and the crushed noodles inside fell all over the floor.

Edward had been sitting very quietly, but he didn't expect the two to quarrel suddenly, and now he is also very annoyed——

If he had discovered that the emotions of these two people were not right earlier and stopped them in time, Yun Xi would not have been troubled.

For a while, apart from Lan Xueyun's crying and Yun Xi's sound coming down the stairs, there was only the sound of Gong Yiheng's obviously irritable breathing in the living room.

Yun Xi had just come down the stairs, and Lan Xueyun ran towards her with aggrieved grunting, her chubby body was about to throw herself into Yun Xi's arms, seeking comfort.

Yun Xi stretched out her hand, and gently stopped her in front of her, stopping her "throwing her arms into her arms".

Lan Xueyun sobbed, tears streaming down from the corners of her eyes, Yun Xi sighed softly and took out a tissue, bent down and handed it to her.

"Don't cry, it's not cute if you cry."

Lan Xueyun took the tissue, fiercely put her snot on the tissue, and then handed the tissue to Yun Xi. Yun Xi's fingertips stiffened, her lips curled up and she didn't reach out.

It was only then that Lan Xueyun realized what she had done, and hurriedly put the tissue into her pocket.

Yunxi: ...

The atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while, Yun Xi took out another tissue and handed it to her, the smile on the corner of her lips returned to gentleness, and she led her to the sofa in the living room.

Always standing back sore.

Yunxi sat on the sofa, and Lan Xueyun sat next to Yunxi consciously, sobbing for a long time without saying a word.

Yun Xi asked her a few more words, but she didn't say anything and just cried, so Yun Xi went to see Gong Yiheng helplessly.

"How is this going?"

Gong Yiheng's mood improved after seeing Yunxi, he felt extremely irritable just facing Edward, let alone having this stupid woman beside him.

Gong Yiheng shrugged at Yun Xi.

"That's what you saw, she beat me up and then started crying. I want to know what's going on too."

(End of this chapter)

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