Chapter 806
His eyes were filled with the dazzling incandescent lights on the top of the elevator.

Lan Xueyun closed her eyes in despair, while MIKI's resounding "You lied" was still echoing inside and outside the elevator.

The pain she expected from falling to the ground did not reach her central nervous system.

She felt her whole being being held back, and a sense of security instantly filled her heart, giving her the courage to open her eyes.

There is Mr. Yun in the elevator...

Has Mr. Yun caught her?It must be, otherwise why didn't she feel the pain?
Lan Xueyun was about to open her eyes with secret joy, when a strong force came from the back of her head, and her figure flew into the air. Feeling flustered, she opened her eyes and saw the enlarged wall.

Her hands were bent beside her like a gecko, and she was slamming on the wall like a gecko. Her chin slammed on the elevator wall with a "dang", which made her eyes swell with pain.

" hurts..."

Yun Xi retracted the foot that was placed under Lan Xueyun's head just now, and put her hands in her pockets, with a half-smile expression on her face.

"Are you all right?"

With Yun Xi's simple words, Lan Xueyun's grievance and anger seemed to have found a breakthrough, and her emotions burst out at Yun Xi in an instant.

"Do you think I look okay?! It hurts me to death! Didn't you know to help me just now?"

Jinmo's cold voice froze Lan Xueyun's grievances.

"I didn't help you just now? Sure enough, it would be better if you had a concussion."

Only then did Lan Xueyun come back to her senses, she felt that Team Jin must have kicked her against the wall just now, it was so inhumane!
She poked at the elevator wall resentfully, expressing her dissatisfaction cryptically.

Yunxi looked at Lan Xueyun amusedly, and then looked at MIKI standing at the door. Combined with MIKI, it is not difficult to imagine why Lan Xueyun appeared at the elevator door at this time.

But her tone is quite gentle, at least warmer than Jinmo's tone that can freeze people to death, not 01:30.

"Are you in pain?"

Lan Xueyun snorted coldly and nodded.


Yunxi pressed the button in the elevator to the first floor, then walked out with Jinmo, and waved lazily at her.

"Then you go to the hospital to see, goodbye."

Lan Xueyun: ...? ! !
When Lan Xueyun turned around, the elevator doors were slowly closing, and Yun Xi's figure waving her hands was becoming increasingly unclear in the shrinking elevator gap, but Lan Xueyun could clearly see the smile on her face.

Lan Xueyun angrily wanted to explode on the spot!
"Master Yun——!"

The frantic voice kept echoing in the elevator, Yunxi outside the elevator shrugged, turned her head and said to Jinmo who was standing beside her.

"Should the captain call an ambulance for her?"

But MIKI walked over step by step, stood on tiptoe and looked at Jinmo's face carefully, his eyes widened.

"Captain, have you been beaten?"

The corner of Jinmo's lip was swollen, it looked like he had been beaten, and it was still a little blue.

His slightly swollen lips didn't show any difference at all, and the corner of Yun Xi's lip was also broken, which was bitten by himself, but in this situation, it looked like he was beaten.

Miki's eyes are full of question marks.

The captain and Xiao Xi were fighting in the elevator? ?

Jinmo lightly touched the corner of his lips with the back of his hand, with an expression on his face that seemed both helpless and doting, and answered MIKI's question calmly with a low voice.

"I knocked."

MIKI didn't even believe this excuse, let alone Mo Zhe who was waiting inside to eat the full banquet.

Seeing Jinmo's miserable state, Mo Zhe stood up abruptly, grabbed a large handful of napkins from the table, stepped on his high heels, and walked towards Jinmo.

"Mo, you were bitten by a dog?"

After speaking, he gave Yunxi a hard look.

Jin Mo frowned slightly, and said coldly.

"It's just a goblin fight."

Yunxi: ...? ? ! !

(End of this chapter)

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