The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 814 Friendship price, 1% off

Chapter 814 Friendship Price, [-]% Off

Gong Yiheng washed his face and hands, changed into Jinmo's white shirt and black trousers, and carried Lan Xueyun up the stairs of the hotel.

Lan Xueyun scolded herself seven or eight times annoyed in her heart, she is such an idiot, she handed in her phone because she was afraid that Camus would hit her?
The fact that she secretly took photos to sell on Taobao was also exposed!
Lan Xueyun hesitated to speak, thinking about the solution in her heart, the more she thought about it, the more nervous she became, her forehead was covered with a fine layer of sweat.

Gong Yiheng didn't say a word, put one hand on Lan Xueyun's hand, stepped on the red carpet and walked to the front of the VIP elevator, the waitress politely bowed and asked him to show his VIP card.

Gong Yiheng put his hand in his pocket to take out his cell phone, but when he felt it was empty, he realized that his cell phone was still in the original pocket of his trousers. At this moment, he stretched out a white hand in front of him.

Edward handed over the phone silently, and Yunxi's contact information was displayed in the opened address book.

Gong Yiheng raised the corners of his lips, took the phone, and it was connected after a ringtone, and Yun Xi's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Yun Xi was obviously very worried about what would happen to Edward by Gong Yiheng, and took this call as Edward's call for survival.

Gong Yiheng raised his eyebrows, gave Edward an evil look, and answered Yun Xi.

"Stinky boy, you said he was with me, can something happen?"

"It's only when you're together that something happens. What have you been doing and how long have you been?"

"He was about to cry because of grievances. I coaxed him for a while, and he was done. Am I good?"

As Gong Yiheng said, he felt inexplicably complacent.

Look, I was about to cry, but I finally made me laugh.

Ask for compliments hahaha.

Edward really wanted to kick this shameless man!
Yunxi's words from the microphone clearly expressed what Edward wanted to say.

"If you didn't bully him, why would he want to cry? Forget it, stop talking nonsense, a group of people are waiting for you, come up quickly."

"I don't have a card, brat, so I can't get in."

"Okay, wait a minute."

When Gong Yiheng heard Yun Xi's words, he hung up the phone neatly, and Edward couldn't help but stare at him!
This is the first time he called Yun Xi with this mobile phone!

This phone is also full of different meanings because of talking with Yun Xi, how could Gong Yiheng hang up so easily? !
After Gong Yiheng hung up, he didn't return the phone to Edward. He turned sideways to avoid Edward's reserved claws, poking on the phone with one hand and quickly inputting his contact information.

"Hey, this is my phone number. If you have anything to do, please contact me in the future."

Edward took the mobile phone handed over by Gong Yiheng, pursed his thin lips and pointed at the screen of the mobile phone to delete the string of unsightly numbers.

Who is going to ask this man for help? !

If you are looking for it, you are also looking for Yunxi!
However, Gong Yiheng put his hand on his wrist, and raised his lips in disdain.

"Don't be awkward first, I'm serious, that brat is usually busy and doesn't necessarily have time to take care of you. I'm different. I'm free when I'm not training. If you feel wronged and want to cry to me, I will absolutely Make you happy."

Edward swung his wrist away, snorted coldly, and said nothing.

The deleted hand moved away.

Gong Yiheng found that this foreign boy was quite arrogant and cute, so he thought of joking again, and said with a smile.

"If someone bullies you, you can also come to me. I will help you fight and you will win. The price is a friendly price, how about [-]% off?"

Yun Xi came down from the elevator, and saw Gong Yiheng holding Lan Xueyun with one hand, chattering around Edward.

This not right.

(End of this chapter)

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