Chapter 831
Emperor Yun captured the elevator, and after saying goodbye to the lobby manager, he instantly turned into a wild horse, wanting to gallop across the prairie.

But I haven't run two steps...

The blood... the blood collapsed.

Yunxi: ...

Yun Xi slowed down her pace and continued to walk forward. After taking two steps, a surprised voice suddenly came from behind her.

"Young Master Yun—!"

The surprised female voice instantly attracted the attention of everyone around. Yunxi let out a breath, tried to keep a smile on her face and turned her head away, "Hello".

Standing behind her was the waitress who asked her for an autograph in the elevator. She walked over in high heels and picked up a stack of papers embarrassedly.

"Well, I'm sorry, can you please give me a few more autographs? I have many relatives in my family."

Yun Xi was very uncomfortable, and her smile was a little pale. Of course, she couldn't stand here and let a group of people watch and sign autographs!
What should I do if my aunt sheds? !

"Sorry, I have something urgent to do."

After Yunxi finished speaking, she turned around politely and was about to leave, but everyone around who came to eat saw her, and some of those who played games, or whose children played games, or even whose children were beaten, knew her.

In an instant, Yunxi seemed to have entered an embarrassing situation where she couldn't leave even if she wanted to.

The eyes of a group of people swished over, Yun Xi took a step forward, the waitress who was rejected by Yun Xi was stunned for a moment, and then took a big stride in front of Yun Xi to block Yun Xi.

"Mr. Yun, I'm very sorry, but just sign one, just sign one that won't waste a few seconds of your time..."

"But you can't afford to waste a second of his time."

The waitress' words were interrupted by a cold boy.

Jin Mo didn't know when he stood behind Yun Xi. He took Yun Xi's hand with one hand and led her into the car out of everyone's eyes. Then the car started and quickly drove away from people's sight.

Only then did Yunxi breathe a sigh of relief, and slumped on the co-pilot.


She sighed, her whole body limp.

Jinmo glanced at her and shook his head helplessly.

"There are so many people who know you outside the door, are you going to go out like just now?"

Yunxi covered her eyes with her hands and sighed helplessly.

"I forgot that I'm still a public figure."

"Yes, my rival in love is 300 million."

As Jin Mo said, Yun Xi laughed out loud.

"That is, so you have no chance, Captain."

Jin Mo didn't make a sound, the car drove all the way to a large supermarket a little further away, and after parking in the parking lot, Yun Xi nestled lazily on the seat and waved to Xiao Mozi.

"Go buy it for me, I'll wait for you here."

She's lazy now like a cat, more marshmallow than marshmallow.

She didn't know it herself, it became more and more natural for her to order Jinmo, because she knew that Jinmo spoiled her, that's why she was so willful.

Of course Jinmo also dotes on her.

He took out his change of clothes from the back of the car, and handed his haute couture coat to Yunxi.

"You regroup, we go to the first floor and will be back soon."

He doesn't mind being rubbed with bloody things on his car, and a man with a cleanliness gave his coat to a woman to wipe his aunt...

Yunxi glanced at Jinmo, too lazy to move.

"No, I don't want to go, the blood will flow down when I move, it's uncomfortable."

Yun Xi's description was quite vivid, Jin Mo concealed his embarrassment, and touched his nose.

"Cover what you can't see, don't be afraid, go out with me after you change."

"I don't want to move. Why do you want me to accompany you? You haven't visited the supermarket alone or don't you want to buy aunt's towels alone?"

"No, I'm afraid that if you stay alone, you will be stolen."

(End of this chapter)

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