The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 841 Yu Qing is also a man!

Chapter 841 Yu Qing is also a man!
"Come back with my brother."

Yunxi threw the phone up and caught it again, and the trace of uneasiness in her heart was also suppressed by her.

It's best to follow my brother's mind.

Follow my brother, the champion you want, I will accompany GE to help you win the glory!

Yunxi put the phone back in his pocket and returned to the interview room. Jinmo looked up at her, saw her smile, and shook his head helplessly. GE workers were taken aback.

I don't know what happened, but as soon as Mr. Yun came in, the temperature in the room seemed to rise a lot.

As expected of the legendary GE group favorite, Team Jin treats Mr. Yun differently.

In a good mood, Yunxi always had a relaxed and happy smile on his face. On his already stunning face, his black eyes and eye tails were lightly raised, his thin lips were smiling, and his chin was resting on his crossed hands. It looked like he was showing affection.

So a group of men, women, boys and girls who came to the interview were beaten up one by one.

Jinmo patted her head helplessly, then handed her a cup of hot water with brown sugar, and asked in a low voice while the previous player who was only a shooter in the interview left tearfully.

"What good thing happened? To make you so happy?"

Yun Xi's eyes were almost bent into crescent moons.

Jinmo's mood also improved because of her, and Yunxi's words did not affect the sudden warmth in his heart.

Yunxi said happily.

"Ji team, I'm coming back with my brother."

"I know."

"Come back with my brother and live in the villa with us. It's no problem to live in such a big villa with one more person."

"Well, for sure."

"Come back with my brother and live with me, it's not convenient for me to live with you."

Yunxi took a sip of the brown sugar water after she finished speaking, the warm water slid down her throat, and her swollen stomach felt a lot better. She just wanted to lie on the table and sigh when she was in a good mood.

Or roll on the bed after going back.

Jinmo squinted his eyes slightly, and gently moved his hands on the table. The interviewer, who originally wanted to stop the interview while Jinmo was taking a break, was trembling, especially afraid that Jinmo would lose his temper.

In fact, Jin Mo's face turned dark.

These people stood up quietly in fright, and made an appointment to go to the toilet to drain water together.

After a while, only Yunxi and Jinmo were left in the huge room. Seeing that there was no one else, Yunxi rested her chin on the table comfortably, twisted her neck left and right, and laughed out in a good mood when she thought of coming back with her brother .

Jinmo tapped on the table lightly, his voice could not hear any emotion or emotion.

"Yu Qingsui already knew?"

Yunxi "Huh?" Turning her head to look at Jinmo, she realized what Jinmo meant. She pursed her lips, "I guessed it myself."

Jinmo sighed softly, "That fox."

Knowing it earlier than him really made him feel a little uncomfortable, and the little evildoer was so close to Yu Qingsui.

He still used tricks to sleep in the same room with the little monster, but now that Yu Qing wants to come back, she asks...

Jinmo's thin lips were pursed into a thin line of displeasure.


"What doesn't work?"

"You can't sleep together, he can continue to sleep with MIKI, they are old roommates, so MIKI can sleep with peace of mind."

Is it uneasy for MIKI and Gong Yiheng to sleep in the same bedroom? ?
This thought flashed across Yunxi's mind, but she still couldn't help but refute it.

"But it's not good for me to live with you, you are a man, I..."

"Yu Qingsui is also a man!"

Jinmo's eyes narrowed, "No matter what, I can't agree, otherwise, he wouldn't have come here."

Yun Xi was very dissatisfied.

"Captain, this is..."

She was about to stand up, but there was a light knock on the door of the interview room, and Yun Xi sat back to let the people outside the door come in.

The door was gently pushed open a crack, and the person standing at the door made Yunxi's eyes widen uncontrollably!
(End of this chapter)

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