The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 850 Huh, big pig's trotters!

Chapter 850 Huh, big pig's trotters!

Yun Xi's kindness and sincerity towards Cen Ziyan was noticed.

Yun Xi, who has never been angry, was really angry because Cen Ziyan was bullied at school, and Cen Ziyan was going to come to play professionally. Yunxi's first reaction was to help Cen Ziyan worry about everything.

It can't be done without a deep friendship.

Yunxi and Cen Ziyan are childhood sweethearts, and Yunxi has always played the role of protecting Cen Ziyan, and Cen Ziyan is also desperately training to lose weight for Yunxi, and wants to follow Yunxi's back.

This is not love.

This is brotherhood.

But one of them is a man and the other is a woman.

Jinmo loves Yunxi, it is impossible for Yunxi to give up his little brother, but if they go on like this...

He was thinking, pinching the button between the collar with his white and slender fingers, slightly stunned.

Yunxi chuckled, glanced at Cen Ziyan, and leaned lazily on the back seat of the car, she didn't lie to Jinmo, she was whatever she was.

"Forget it, this guy is just like my own brother."

Cen Ziyan showed a shy smile, obviously he should be happy in his heart, but for some reason, in a corner that he didn't understand, he felt a little bit lost.

The almost unrecognizable loss is like a stone falling into the water, which only makes a small ripple before sinking to the bottom of the water.

Jinmo let go of the hand holding the button, turned his head and straightened his back, and nodded.

"I understand."

Yun Xi thinks that Jin Mo's serious expression is a little funny.

"What do you unserstand?"

Jinmo took a deep look at Yunxi, and his voice seemed to shake everyone's ears and hearts clearly in the closed car.

"Cen Ziyan, I like Yunxi, and I'm chasing her."

Yunxi: ...

Cen Ziyan: ...? ! !
Cen Ziyan jumped up suddenly, his head hit the roof of the car with a bang, tears appeared in his eyes, but the pain at this time was nothing compared to the shock in his heart.

" like me, Brother Yun?!! What are you going to do to me, Brother Yun?! You big pig's hoof!!"

Cen Ziyan's voice was almost accusatory, super loud!
Yunxi couldn't help laughing in a low voice, as expected of her little brother, even the way of addressing Jinmo is the same, but Jinmo...why do you say this?
Jinmo watched Cen Ziyan covering his head and jumping again, and added another sentence with a serious expression.

"In the future, I will be the one to get the marriage certificate with your Brother Yun, you need to know this."

"Ah bah! Why is my Brother Yun going to get the certificate with you! You two men still get the certificate?! No, even if you can get the certificate, why do you want to get the certificate with you? You big pig's hooves still want to get cabbage?!"

Cen Ziyan was very angry!

what happened? !

The captain of this GE has bad intentions at all. In his view, Brother Layun's entry into GE is simply an excuse to cover up his intention to hook up with Brother Yun.

But why didn't Brother Yun say a word?
Cen Ziyan blinked his watery eyes to look at Yun Xi, and after seeing the faint smile on Yun Xi's lips, he felt as if his heart had been pricked by a needle.

No pain to bleed.

It was just a slight tingling pain, which quickly disappeared.

He sat back suddenly, licked his lips, and asked Yun Xi.

"Brother Yun, you... what do you think?"

Yun Xi did not refute.

Cen Ziyan understood what was going on almost instantly, but after the inexplicable pain in his heart disappeared, dissatisfaction arose spontaneously.

What's so good about this old cadre with a big ice cube, paralyzed face, and abstinence?
How could Brother Yun fall in love with such a guy?

Hmph, none of us Brother Yun is good enough.

(End of this chapter)

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