The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 859 You can't afford to mess with the people I'm covering

Chapter 859 You can't afford to mess with the people I'm covering
Some of Yun Xi's fans felt that Mr. Yun like this was much more vivid than the original gentle man who smiled at everyone.

Mr. Yun would still smile gently at them, but would sneer at those who hurt GE.

Of course, there are always a lot of trolls on the Internet, they don't like Yun Xi, they naturally want to see Yun Xi fall miserably.

So someone quietly created a group at night, organized more than 2000 people, and each person sent a complaint draft, asking them to complain on the Shayu live broadcast platform and report Yunxi's live broadcast room.

At the same time, they also bought a navy, and even some people's families were able to contact the high-level executives of Shayu's live broadcast, and tried their best to seal Yunxi's live broadcast room.

That night, Yunxi was still training in the training room, and her live broadcast room opened by itself, like a supernatural event.

Then according to the plan, the "hacker" would broadcast some "unsightly" pornographic content in Yunxi's live broadcast room, and then a group of people would report it again, and Mr. Yun's personality would completely collapse.

Even if there are small fans who like Mr. Yun again, Mr. Yun's live broadcast room is over, and Mr. Yun's foundation is completely gone. What capital does Mr. Yun have to clamor if he has no income from live broadcasting?Who does he think he is? !
When Yunxi's live broadcast room opened, a group of villains waited eagerly, but they didn't expect that they didn't wait for the hacker to broadcast a pornographic film, but instead waited for a big local tyrant who offered a reward——

The chief of the Yun family has a big attack!

The chief general of the Yun family smashed 6666 amulets, which were all money, and the amount of gifts dropped by the chief general of the Yun family was so large that the Killing Fish live broadcast platform made a big announcement.

Anyone who comes to Yunxi's live broadcast room can get rewards.

All of a sudden, not only the fans, the audience, the host, but even the people notified by relatives and friends rushed to download the live broadcast and came to grab money. Yunxi's live broadcast room was stuck to death, the number of people burst, and the popularity instantly broke the record of the Shayu live broadcast platform.

While a group of people were robbing money, a sentence suddenly appeared on the white screen in the live broadcast room——

"You can't afford to offend the people I'm covering."

Yes, I can't afford it, no one dares to provoke it just for the money!

All of this happened later, Yunxi is still leaning on the ascending elevator, her fingers lightly tapping the cold wall behind her.

Facing the coldness of outsiders, Gong Yiheng broke his skills for a second, and stretched out his claws to grab Yun Xi's hair.

"Stinky boy, why are you so pushy?! Hahahaha, you're so good at pulling! It's so cool, and we will ignore it when we come to interview again in the future. We only want the champion to care about the public opinion, but is your live broadcast room okay?"

Yun Xi shrugged.

"I don't have much time for live streaming now. Besides, I don't make money from live streaming. I don't want fans to tip me. I return all the tips from fans privately, and I donate all the salary from live streaming."

Gong Yiheng: ...

"Isn't it?? Brat, you really are the rich second generation. By the way, I remembered. You and Yun Churan are relatives, right? But I think Yunyinghou seems to be an orphan..."

"She's an orphan and she didn't pop out of a rock."

After Yunxi finished speaking, the elevator door opened, she took her hand out of her pocket, with the corners of her lips slanted, and walked out of the elevator first.

"Let's go, first choose GE's top laner, and then, play well and win the championship."

Her eyes flicked to the trophy wall facing the door, on which the championship trophy was placed in the most conspicuous position, shining brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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