The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 865 Serious men are the scariest

Chapter 865 Serious men are the scariest
Interviews will start shortly.

The snacks on Yun Xi's table were put aside for the time being, and he made a compromise, leaving only a bag of preserved fruit and a cup of hot water on the table.

The first person who came in for the interview was invited to the interview where Yunxi and the others were sitting. He sat on the chair in the middle of the interview room and shook his head frantically.

"No, no, gods, I will be nervous when I sit with you, so let's do it for now."

He refused and no one forced it.

Yunxi Jinmo and Gong Yiheng MIKI formed a team with him and invited the opposite QwQ team to play a round. The people who came to the interview were obviously very nervous, and the voice of swallowing their saliva was much louder than usual.

"If you lose, will you be eliminated?"

"will not."

Jinmo said very simply, "Someone informed you when you passed the initial test. This is just a competition to test your strength. Winning or losing is not important, what matters is your performance in the competition."

"Well, I know, I will behave well!"

The person who ran for the top lane said confidently.

Then, 15 minutes later, he ran out crying, and the sound of crying was heard far away.

Yun Xi took a sip of the hot blood that had been poured on the table, and shook her head helplessly, "The ability to resist attacks is too weak. When I saw that the enemy was Kra, I panicked and couldn't even press the skill button. I was pressed by the jungler. After rubbing on the ground three times, my mentality completely collapsed."

Gong Yiheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva, quietly leaned towards Edward's side, and said in a low voice.

"That's not the scary thing. It's the captain's cold face that made people cry. Is it that scary?"

Edward glared at him.

"Since you don't think it's scary, stay away from me."

Gong Yiheng chuckled, but didn't say anything.

Jinmo's expression was indeed cold, but facing Gong Yiheng's accusation, Jinmo's expression remained indifferent.

"It's always been like this when I was working hard. I'm really embarrassed to scare them."

It is said that men who work hard are very attractive, but Jinmo, who is too charming and cold, is a bit scary.

Then the interviewers came in one after another, and ran out one after another with a broken mind. The buddy sitting beside Cen Ziyan squeezed his hands outside the door, folded his arms, took out a string of prayer beads from his pocket, and began to squint and turn the prayer beads endlessly.

Cen Ziyan swallowed quietly, heard the call, looked at the small card in his hand, and gently slapped Brother Heitou with his shoulder.

"Brother, it's your turn."

Brother Heitou put down the prayer beads, and it was obvious that his mentality had calmed down. With a charming smile on his face, he picked up the phone.

"Don't worry, I will definitely smile this time. I'm in a good mood, but it's just an interview. Facing all the handsome guys, why should I panic?"

Two 10 minutes later.

Brother Heitou broke through the door, covered his eyes with his arms, and shed moving tears.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I'm going home and uninstalling the game.

Cen Ziyan: ...

Cen Ziyan was terrified.

"No. 14, Cen Ziyan."

Cen Ziyan stood up abruptly when his name was called, and almost saluted nervously.


Pushing open the door and going in, Cen Ziyan sat on the chair well-behaved, not daring to get close to Yunxi, he looked quite obedient.

No took out snacks from the bag while looking at Cen Ziyan.

"You are Cen Ziyan? That fat...??"

(End of this chapter)

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