The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 869 Sister-in-law, listen to my explanation, sister-in-law

Chapter 869 Sister-in-law, listen to my explanation, sister-in-law
Jinmo's lips seemed to hook slightly, the arc was very shallow, "I can't bully her. By the way, you knew her before?"

"Well, it is."

To Jinmo's question, No dragged his chin to think for a while and answered. He thought of the scene when he saw Yunxi for the first time, and the smile on his face couldn't help but widen.

He himself didn't know that his eyes were full of pampering, and he didn't notice that Jinmo's pupils flickered dangerously.

Jinmo thought about the "master in the game" that Yun Xi had said to him, lowered his eyes and restrained his expression, until his eyes did not show any uneasiness in his heart, he pretended not to care.

"When? Did she originally..."

"Well, when Xiao Xi pressed you against the wall and kissed you forcefully."

No laughed out loud, "At that time, Captain, your face was so dark that you could beat someone up. Later, I heard Xiao Xi said that she was drunk and forgot everything, but she just came back from England and met you in the elevator. When it came to you, you threw her out of the elevator?"

No picked up the fox and looked at Jinmo, the corners of Jinmo's slightly raised lips returned to their indifferent straightness, and said lightly.

"She really told you everything. She even took the initiative to tell you about her being a girl?"

Jinmo asked a lot of questions today, which is not his style at all.

After thinking about it for a while, No knew that the captain was jealous, or he was jealous of him and Xiao Xi, and the smell of vinegar was really strong and fragrant.

But because Xiao Xi really likes the captain, he doesn't take the initiative to add trouble to the captain, he just hopes that the relationship between Xiao Xi and the captain can go smoothly.

Seeing Xiao Xi happy made him happy too.

So No pushed his glasses, ready to confess, "Captain, actually..."

Actually I guessed.

Before he finished speaking, there was a bluffing sound from the stairs.

"Brother Yun, what do you think of my painting? - I want to hang you, Brother Yun, on the wall of my bedroom, is that okay... Uh, Captain..."

Cen Ziyan bounced down the stairs, holding a painting in both hands, but Brother Yun couldn't find it, but Jinmo.

Jinmo's slightly cold gaze slowly moved from the painting in his hand to his face, Cen Ziyan felt that his whole body was going to be frozen, he looked at Jinmo, and said something in a voice like a little wife.

"Sister-in-law, don't get me wrong, sister-in-law, I painted this painting to hang it at the door to ward off evil spirits."

Sister-in-law, look, Brother Yun in this painting is sitting under the peach tree, does he look like a young version of Wuling Immortal?If you are dissatisfied, sister-in-law, I can fill in you as well, and I will draw you as... as a...emmm picker. "

When Cen Ziyan called his sister-in-law, Jin Mo's cold brows showed signs of twitching, and a white light flashed on No's lens, raising the corners of his lips and beckoning Cen Ziyan.

"It's okay. The captain is in a good mood today. I won't blame you. Come here first and let us have a look at this painting. Is it good?"

Cen Ziyan came down tremblingly, and stood next to the two of them, blinking his peachy eyes, Jinmo glanced at the painting in his hand, and No asked beside him with a smile.

"Captain, how is the painting?"

"Well, very good, confiscated."

Cen Ziyan: ...? ?

The scroll was confiscated by Jinmo, Cen Ziyan stood there and blinked his innocent eyes.

"It's not sister-in-law, you are not being kind, sister-in-law. You all live together, don't you let me see a painting to express your thoughts?? It's too cruel, I'll complain to Brother Yun."

On the other side, Yun Xi was wandering in the supermarket wearing sunglasses when suddenly his nose was itchy and he sneezed.

"Who is nagging me?"

Yun Xi wanted to reach out for the biscuits on the shelf, but there was a pair of hands ahead of her, taking the biscuits away first.

Slender and white hands, five fingers as slender as green onions.

On the snow-white wrist, there is a red string tied.

Deja Vu.

(End of this chapter)

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