The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 872 Xiaoxi bought green onions and has not returned yet

Chapter 872 Xiaoxi bought green onions and has not returned yet

Yu Fan didn't really want Yu Ran to follow him, and he also knew that his sister hated Yun Xi very much, and letting her follow her would only be troublesome and delay his meeting with Yun Xi.

But after Yunxi said that, he nodded, "Okay, wait a minute, I'll call her and ask her to come over."

Yu Fan took out his phone, looked at Yun Xi again, and then called Yu Ran's number from the phone book.

The beeping sound took a long time before Yu Ran received the call. She seemed to be standing on the side of the road, and the sound of cars passing by was very loud.

Before Yu Fan could speak, Yu Ran spoke first, and said a long list without hiccups at all.

"Brother, wait a minute, I have an appointment with a friend, and I will find you right away. Forget it, if you have nothing to do, go home first, and I will go back in a while. By the way, I didn't buy dog ​​food, brother, you raised it yourself The dog feeds himself."

After hearing what Yu Fan had said, Yu Fan said something lightly.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't come back at night."

Yu Ran didn't take it seriously at first, but when she heard that Yu Fan's tone was exactly the same as that of the uncle she often chatted with, it was an expression of dissatisfaction in her heart, so she hurriedly remedied it.

"Brother, what are you talking about? I'm still underage, so how can I stay away at night? Don't worry, I will definitely go back at night. It's just that a friend I haven't seen for a long time wants to come to see me, so I..."

Yu Fan interrupted Yu Ran expressionlessly.

"Do what you like to do. I said, if you listen to me, then you listen. If you don't listen, I don't care about you. That's it."

After finishing speaking, Yu Fan hung up the phone neatly.

Yun Xi looked at Yu Fan's eyes, and Yu Fan was also looking at her. Seeing the slight surprise in Yun Xi's eyes, he thought for a while and explained.

"She... can't control it."

Yun Xi smiled, but remained silent.

Yu Fan can't control it, but it's his sister after all, so the subtext that he can't control it is that since he can't control it, then let her go, and he doesn't want to control it anymore.

It's just that if something happened to Yu Ran, he would still be anxious.

This is my own, there is no way.

So Yun Xi didn't say anything about Yu Ran's matter, and Yu Fan didn't want to mention his sister to Yun Xi, so the two wanted to follow them out of the supermarket.

Yunxi looked around, and there seemed to be nothing delicious around, so she was going to take Yu Fan to eat elsewhere, but after thinking about it, she seemed to have forgotten something...

Yu Fan didn't quite know what to say to Yun Xi. He used to stay in a place where fish and dragons were mixed together, and he hated having contact with him the most. So when getting along in private, apart from teasing with Gong Yiheng's buddies, Others are too lazy to answer.

He looked at Yun Xi's attire, and looked away from the green onion that Yun Xi was holding in his hand.

"Let's just eat nearby. I'm a little hungry. The chicken pot on the opposite side is fine. Otherwise, go to Chongqing hot pot? You don't like spicy food, why don't you go to a Sichuan restaurant? The Sichuan cuisine here is good, let's go eat it .”

After speaking, Yu Fan took the lead and walked towards the restaurant, and Yun Xi followed.

Originally, she ate a lot of snacks in the villa, so she wasn't hungry, but after hearing what Yu Fan said, her unbelievable stomach felt hungry.

Oh stomach, stomach, why are you so dissatisfied? Look at you, so dissatisfied.

Stomach: People sit at home, and the pot comes from the sky.

But what had she forgotten?

GE club, No looked out of the window, and said to Jinmo worriedly.

"Captain, why did Xiao Xi take so long to buy a green onion? Did she have fun outside, or was she kidnapped?"

(End of this chapter)

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