The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 878 Yu Ran and Gong Yiheng?

Chapter 878 Yu Ran and Gong Yiheng?

Yunxi let go of Yu Fan and sat on the seat, and looked behind Yu Fan curiously. The barrier behind Yu Fan was a bit high and she couldn't see anything, but Yu Ran's voice was still heard clearly, which was enough to show how excited she was .

"Brother Gong~ You are so kind to Ran Ran~ I knew that Brother Gong would definitely not reject me~"

"Yeah, I know, Brother Gong, don't worry, I won't tell my brother, we can do it secretly~"

Yun Xi's curiosity is even heavier, what is this for?

Yu Ran secretly asked Gong Yiheng out, what are the two chatting in the next room, and behind Yu Fan's back?

What Yu Fan was going to say was interrupted by his sister who suddenly appeared, and there was a faint displeasure on his face, and Yun Xi couldn't tell if it was because his sister said she was going to hide his displeasure, or what.

Yun Xi had no idea what Yu Fan thought of her.

Yu Fan didn't show that he liked her at all, except for the casual kiss just now, which brought back bad memories for him.

It even made Yun Xi discover that Yu Fan wanted to commit suicide during this period of time.

This kind of Yu Fan, Yun Xi couldn't even imagine that he would love someone.

Yu Fan glanced back, with a hint of impatience hidden in his eyes, he was just about to take the opportunity to ask Yun Xi for a hug, and Yun Xi would definitely not refuse him in that situation.

But Yu Ran suddenly interrupted his brewing emotions...

There were waves in Yu Fan's clear eyes. When he looked back, everything became normal. He still had that sad expression. The waiter came in with the dishes and opened the curtain that separated the door. Yu Ran's voice was even louder. some.

"Brother Gong, shall we take a group photo? I have nothing to do, I just want to show it to my classmates, and only to my classmates."

"I told my classmates that my brother is an e-sports player, but they didn't believe me, and my brother refused to take pictures with me. Brother Gong, they all said that I was a liar to deceive them. Brother Gong, you have a good relationship with my brother. Just take a photo with me to prove it to them, okay?"

Yu Ran's voice was so sour that Yunxi's skin was covered with goosebumps. She coughed lightly to signal the waiter to put down the curtain, but she really couldn't hear Yu Ran's voice.

She also likes cute girls, but Yu Ran's artificial "cuteness" really makes her indigestion.

Yu Fan noticed Yun Xi's small expression, and couldn't help showing a smile. He picked up the dinner plate and poured a plate of chili peppers to Yun Xi.

"She also suffered a lot when she was a child. Both her mother and elder brother were in the skin business. She was loved by no one since she was a child. The family has always been in debt and never bought her good things, so she is more vain now."

Yunxi smiled and didn't interrupt.

Yu Fan is a good brother, but Yu Ran is not her sister, she doesn't like him.

Yu Fan also knew that Yun Xi wasn't interested, but he didn't care whether Yu Ran felt like he and his mother in his heart, he always felt that he owed his sister, and it was impossible to change this kind of thinking for a while.

The two chatted about the team for a while, about GE's next plan, and they were still very speculative when they talked about the game, which was much more comfortable than talking about the past, feelings, and so on.

After all, the two are not very familiar with each other.

That's how Yunxi felt. It was much more relaxing to talk about games. After eating, the two walked out of the cubicle. Yunxi walked in front. As soon as the curtain was lifted, the curtain next door was also opened.

Yu Ran and Gong Yiheng came out together.

It's nothing, it's just that Yu Ran's hand is holding Gong Yiheng's arm.

(End of this chapter)

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