The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 891 Brat Come Help Me

Chapter 891 Brat Come Help Me
Edward's face was always calm, but when he saw Gong Yiheng at the door, his eyebrows furrowed indiscernibly, his long eyelashes fluttered, and his blue eyes rippled.

The eye contact between him and Gong Yiheng took less than a second, Gong Yiheng consciously stepped aside, and took Yu Ran's arm with one hand and dragged her aside to make way for Edward.

Edward didn't even look at Yu Ran, walked inside, and heard Yu Ran say loudly before taking two steps.

"Brother Gong, am I not your girlfriend? Is it true that girlfriends are not as important as games?"

Yu Ran's voice was so loud, as if he was afraid that the people inside would not hear him.

Edward's body stiffened slightly, and a sneer unconsciously appeared on the corner of his lips, which happened to fall into Yunxi's eyes.

Yun Xi leaned against the wall thoughtfully, looked at Edward and then at Gong Yiheng who had an unnatural expression, a bold guess flashed in his mind.

Are these two people having an affair? ?
Yu Ran was still acting like a baby, she wanted to shake Gong Yiheng's arm, but Gong Yiheng subconsciously shook it away, seeing the girl's hurt expression, he couldn't help but say.

"Sorry, I don't like people touching me."

Yu Ran pursed her lips, rolled her eyeballs, and said, "Nonsense, the last time you kissed someone else, the mouth of someone else..."

"I do not have it!"

Gong Yiheng almost jumped up, he refuted loudly, and went to see Edward at the same time.

Edward didn't even bother to look at him.

Gong Yiheng was even more anxious, he was not that kind of person, he had only kissed Edward since he was a child... Forget it, Edward would definitely hate him even more if he said that.

Gong Yiheng suddenly lowered his head like an aggrieved big dog, Yu Ran thought that Gong Yiheng was obedient, and just about to continue talking with a smile, he suddenly met Jinmo's gaze.

Jinmo raised his head, his black eyes seemed to be filled with ice, seeing that Jinmo was finally willing to look at her, Yu Ran's heart still couldn't help beating.

In fact, she likes Brother Mo more than Brother Gong, but Brother Mo seems to be gay, so disgusting.

Yu Ran was thinking about what to say when she heard Jin Mo say it coldly.

"Gong Yiheng, take that thing and get out!"

Yu Ran's eyes widened.

"Jinmo, what do you mean, who is the thing!"

She still wanted to yell, but Gong Yiheng had dragged her out, and closed the door heavily, shutting Yu Ran's nagging at the door.

The training room was suddenly silent.

Cen Ziyan stretched out his arms after playing a round, blinked his peach blossom eyes, "Brother Yun, Kadan is dating that hypocritical girl? Isn't it true?"

Yun Xi shrugged and sat back in her seat.

"Looking at the situation, it seems to be true."

GE loves freely, even "homosexuality" is not a problem. Gong Yiheng loves to choose who is his freedom. Although others feel that they are not compatible, they can't say anything.

It's just that Gong Yiheng didn't come back that night.

At 2 o'clock in the morning, Yun Xi fell asleep in a daze when she heard her cell phone ringing.


Yunxi picked up the phone and just spoke, but was almost deafened by the harsh music on the phone. She moved the phone away from her ears to hear what it was.

The familiar sound of nightclub music.

Yun Xi woke up suddenly, and she sat up abruptly.

"Gong Yiheng, have you and Yu Ran gone to a nightclub?"

Gong Yiheng seemed to have taken two steps to a quieter place, and said to Yun Xi very depressedly.

"Smelly boy, come here and help me pick up someone. Yu Ran said that she was upset and wanted me to drink with her, but when she came to this kind of place to drink, she got drunk and never went back to school or home."

(End of this chapter)

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