Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 103 The Jealous Kong Tianhao

Chapter 103 The Jealous Kong Tianhao
Kong Tianhao deliberately made Qin Shan the target of all the disciples present. He was quite jealous of Qin Shan being favored by Song Yunxin. In addition, Qin Shan dismissed him last time, which made him very unhappy. Qin Shan.

Now is a very good opportunity to put Qin Shan on the table, and then hit him in the face in public, so that there is no power to turn him around.

Qin Shan was naturally aware of this kid's tricks, but he didn't care at all, or in other words, he didn't pay attention to a small character like Kong Tianhao at all.

Facing the dissatisfaction of other disciples, Qin Shan just responded indifferently: "This world speaks with fists, respects martial arts, and everything speaks with strength. It is useless to fight with words. I will use force to defeat other assessment disciples and win Next No.1!"

"His Royal Highness is so proud and ambitious! However, as we all know, His Highness has been unable to cultivate since he was a child, and he has just awakened the god-level martial arteries. Even if he is a talent that is unparalleled in the world, it is very difficult to surpass other assessment disciples in a short period of time. It is already very good for His Highness to win the first place in the entrance examination, and I advise His Highness not to think about No.1 in this year's assessment." Kong Tianhao said with interest with a smile on his face.

"I don't think it has anything to do with you at all, so don't yell here if you have nothing to do, and be careful that the prince will just put you down!" Qin Shan said with a look of disdain.

Seeing Qin Shan's disdainful face, Kong Tianhao immediately became angry. He is a younger disciple of the Great Elder's sect, and he is also a genius among the talented disciples in the branch sect. Respect is added, and only Qin Shan is so dismissive. He who has always been favored and proud can bear this tone.

"Your Highness, you don't think of others too much. What do you mean by that is that you have enough confidence to be better than me? Well, I want to see if His Highness is really so powerful. Although I am only a heaven-level Martial art, but at least it has been practiced for more than 20 years, which is worse than His Highness who has only practiced for a few months! Your Highness is so confident, how about we make a bet?" Kong Tianhao said through gritted teeth, he wanted to slap Qin Shan hard s face.

"Bet? You are not qualified to bet with this prince!" Qin Shan said disdainfully.

"Hmph! Could it be that His Royal Highness is afraid and dare not accept my bet?" Kong Tianhao asked with a look of contempt, he was deliberately provoking Qin Shan with the aggressive method.

Regarding the dispute between the two, the great elder Wei Liezhong remained silent. As an elder, he has seen many disputes between disciples. Sometimes such disputes are also beneficial. In this world, martial arts are the most important thing. challenges and disputes.

Wei Liezhong really wanted to see the final outcome of Qin Shan and Kong Tianhao. One was his disciple of the younger generation, and the other was the prince who had just started with extraordinary talent. Who would win in the final battle?

At this time, Song Yunxin who was beside Qin Shan reminded in a low voice: "Junior Brother Qin, Kong Tianhao has always been proud, so don't get too fussy with him, it won't do you any good."

"Now it's not that I want to argue with him, but that he wants to pretend to be aggressive in front of me. Alas... there is no way, who made me so handsome, he is envious and jealous!" Qin Shan flipped his hair and said narcissistically .

"Pfft!" Song Yunxin couldn't help but burst out laughing, she quickly covered her mouth and her face turned red, the two sweet dimples on her face were really pretty.

Song Yunxin felt that although Qin Shan was a prince, he was very friendly and it was very easy to stay with him.

Seeing Song Yunxin showing such a beautiful smile to Qin Shan, Kong Tianhao became even more angry, his lungs almost exploded.

"Damn! Why can't I please Song Yunxin in every possible way, but I can't get her smile. This bastard can make her laugh with just a word. He is obviously an ignorant and arrogant prince. He thinks that the world is invincible by virtue of his status. I must I will slap him in the face severely!" Kong Tianhao thought indignantly.

The more Kong Tianhao thought about it, the more he felt unbalanced. He clenched his fists, stared at Qin Shan with a gloomy face and continued: "Your Highness, do you really dare not bet with me? Could it be that your self-confidence just now was eaten by a dog? "

"This prince has never done meaningless things, and betting with you is not good for this prince. If you can come up with conditions that make this prince tempted, maybe this prince will agree, but now, this prince is dismissive! "Qin Shan said mercilessly, as a prince, he didn't need to be kind to this guy at all.

Kong Tianhao hated his teeth so much that he was paralyzed, the status of the prince is great, draft it!

"I have an earth-level medium-grade pill in my hand, if..."

"It's too rubbish, the prince doesn't like it!"

"Earth-level high-grade weapons..."



Kong Tianhao said several things in succession, and Qin Shan felt that they were all rubbish. For the current Qin Shan, ordinary things are simply not worth looking at.

Kong Tianhao thought for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and took out a monster core and said: "This is the monster core of a fourth-grade monster, which contains huge spiritual power. If it can be refined and absorbed, it will break through from the realm of generals to king of martial arts." No problem, this fourth-grade demon core should be able to enter His Highness's eyes!"

Qin Shan glanced at the fourth-grade monster beast core with his piercing eyes, and it showed 20 experience points, that is to say, as long as Qin Shan absorbed the spiritual power in the monster core, he could gain [-] experience points.

"Well, the monster core of the fourth-grade monster is barely okay. Since you want to bet, then bet, tell me, how do you want to bet?" Qin Shan said with interest, anyway, he is bound to win No.1 , it would be nice to get 20 more experience.

Seeing Qin Shan agreeing, Kong Tianhao was filled with joy. He squinted his eyes and said, "Just bet on whether His Highness can get No.1 in the annual assessment. If His Highness can get No.1, then the monster core of this fourth-grade monster It is yours, if not, His Highness will take the initiative to withdraw from the Temple School, dare you?"

Hearing Kong Tianhao's words, the other disciples were in an uproar. The gamble was really big enough. On the one hand, they had a fourth-grade demon core, and on the other hand, they quit the Temple Sect.

Those disciples felt that Qin Shan didn't dare to gamble. Even if Qin Shan was the crown prince, as long as he could stay in the Temple School, his cultivation would definitely reach the peak in the future. After all, the strength of the Temple School was much stronger than that of the Shengtian Dynasty.

"Junior Brother Qin, you must not..." Song Yunxin who was next to him hurriedly reminded her.

However, Qin Shan smiled at this time, and replied without the slightest hesitation: "Is there anything I dare not bet on, then it is settled like this, you should keep the fourth-grade demon core first, don't lose it, and wait for the annual assessment I'll take it when it's over."

"Okay, very good! His Royal Highness is really full of confidence. Since you agreed, then it's settled like this. If you win, you will get the fourth-grade demon core. If you lose, you will withdraw from the Temple School!" Kong Tianhao said excitedly , as if he had seen Qin Shan leave the Temple School and Song Yunxin.

(End of this chapter)

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