Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 110 Tsunade's Murder Weapon

Chapter 110 Tsunade's Murder Weapon

After winning the No. 1 annual assessment, Qin Shan learned another thing from the elder Wei Liezhong.

That is, the top three disciples in the annual assessment can participate in the Hundred Sects Competition half a year later. At that time, the talented disciples of the Temple Sect from branches in many countries will gather for the competition. Those who get good rankings can get more generous rewards and You can enter the temple sect to practice and study.

In fact, he didn't have much interest in entering the Temple School to practice and learn from Qin Shan, but he had a plan in mind, that is to take over the Temple School for his own use, so Qin Shan must participate in this hundred sects meeting, and if he can win, he will definitely Can increase the influence of the Temple sect.

"The host has obtained the system task: Dominate the Hundred Schools of Martial Arts."

"Mission Requirements: Win No.1 in the Hundred Sects of the Temple Sect."

"Mission penalty: The host is reduced by ten levels."

"Mission reward: get two experience red envelopes, two physical red envelopes, and two special red envelopes."

After Qin Shan decided to participate in the Baizong martial arts meeting of the Temple Sect half a year later, the system in his mind sounded a mission prompt, which was exactly the task of the Baizong martial arts meeting.

The task reward is twice that of the previous annual assessment task, and the punishment is also quite serious, directly downgraded by ten levels, so in half a year, the Baizong Huiwu Qinshan must get No.1, otherwise not only will not get the reward, but will suffer heavy losses .

After Qin Shan got the mission, he got the fourth-grade demon core from Kong Tianhao. Although this guy was unwilling to give it to him, he lost the bet and had to hand it over.

Then Qin Shan couldn't wait to leave the temple sect, he wanted to quickly summon Tsunade, after all, the fifth generation of Hokage who possessed a huge weapon was quite tempting.

When Qin Shan left the Temple Sect, Kong Tianhao, who was beaten by Qin Shan and rubbed on the ground, hid in the corner, staring at Qin Shan's back with hatred and resentment.

"Qin Shan, you bastard, I will definitely avenge my revenge today! Even if you are the crown prince of the Shengtian Dynasty, I will definitely make you pay ten times and a hundred times the price!" Kong Tianhao clenched his fists and said hoarsely. The voice said angrily.

However, Qin Shan, who left the Temple School in a hurry, didn't notice Kong Tianhao who was hiding in the dark at all. If he knew, he would have crushed this guy to death immediately.


After Qin Shan left the Temple Sect, he found a hidden place. After confirming that there was no one around, he took out the Tsunade Summoning Card.

"The big murder weapon, Tsunade Hime, come out!"

Qin Shan activated the summoning card instantly, a white light flashed, and the space in front of him became distorted.

First, the dazzling white murder weapon appeared in Qin Shan's line of sight, and then Tsunade, who was only wearing a striped vest, appeared in front of Qin Shan.

At this time, Qin Shan was stunned. When he watched the anime before, he felt that Tsunade's weapon was unmatched. Now he summoned it and saw it was even more majestic than the anime, especially when Tsunade was on his waist. You He could probably bury his entire head in it.

When Qin Shan looked at Tsunade, Tsunade was also staring at Qin Shan. Although due to system reasons, Qin Shan is the master of Tsunade, but Tsunade has independent consciousness, or Tsunade is still the Tsunade of Naruto, It's just that a systematic principle has been added to his thinking, that is, to recognize Qin Shan as the master.

"Master, what can I do for you?" Tsunade asked.

"It's nothing, I just summoned you to be my bodyguard." Qin Shan smiled.

"I'm happy to serve the master, but if I keep following the master, there will be no one to manage Hokage Village." Tsunade said with some embarrassment.

Qin Shan was also a little puzzled, so he used his consciousness to communicate with the system: "System, could it be that the summoned Tsunade is from the real Naruto world?"

"Yes, the host's world is the main world. The Naruto world where the summoned character Tsunade is located is a sub-world, and there is a red envelope system. After the host summons Tsunade, the sub-world of the Naruto world is equivalent to standing still, and there is no Any impact." The system explained.

Hearing the systematic explanation, Qin Shan was very surprised.

As expected of the red envelope system, this is too awesome, it can actually control the subworld, it seems that this red envelope system is not as simple as imagined.

Suddenly, Qin Shan thought of a question, so he asked: "System, you said that I am in the main world, and Naruto is the sub-world, so can I also go to the sub-world?"

"Theoretically, it is possible, but the host is still too weak to enter the secondary world."


Qin Shan was speechless, well, let's not think about this matter now, let's talk about it after living well first.

"Tsunade, you don't have to worry about Hokage Village. The world you are in is at a standstill right now, so just play along with me in the future." Qin Shan explained to Tsunade.

"Well, if that's the case, the master's safety will be entrusted to me in the future." Tsunade nodded, and she firmly believed in what Qin Shan said.

Qin Shan looked at Tsunade's incomparable weapon, and was about to reach out to test it, but before he got close, he suddenly realized that he and Tsunade only had [-] friendship points, and if he did something indescribable, he would be electrocuted to death by the system.

"Forget it, the days are still long anyway, and we will slowly develop feelings with Tsunade in the future!" Qin Shan thought to himself.

At this moment, Qin Shan heard footsteps from around.

"Your Highness, Your Royal Highness, where are you?" Tang Jie's voice came from the side.

"What do you want me for?" Qin Shan suddenly flashed in front of Tang Jie and asked.

Tang Jie was taken aback by Qin Shan's sudden appearance, and immediately patted his chest with his hands to take a breath: "Your Highness, your sudden appearance scared me to death. In fact, I was going to call your Highness to stop him when he left the Temple sect." , but Your Highness is too fast, I chased after him for a long time, and finally caught up here, I wonder if Your Highness has time now?"

"What do you want to do when you have time?" Qin Shan asked.

"I'm very honored to be a disciple of the same clan as His Highness, so I would like to invite His Highness to drink some wine to show my respect for His Highness, and I hope His Highness will show you face." Tang Jie said with a smile.

To be honest, Qin Shan didn't have a bad impression of this kid. Although he looked a bit frustrated, he didn't show contempt like the other disciples. As a prince, Qin Shan has always planned to build his own team, and this Tang Jie can be taken as his own use.

"It's okay to drink and eat, but I'm not alone. I also have two women and a pet. Oh, by the way, Song Yunxin and Xiao Ningbing are also called together. Anyway, there are two of them. How about it?" Qin Shan laughed.

"No problem, what His Highness says is what you want, let alone a few more people, I am willing to have a few hundred more people." Monkey flattered.

"Well, good! Tsunade, I'll take you to eat something delicious." Qin Shan shouted to Tsunade next to him.

When Tang Jie saw Tsunade appearing, he immediately enviously said: "Your Highness is worthy of being His Highness, the women around me are beautiful and beautiful, I am too frustrated, and there are no women around me."

Qin Shan patted Tang Jie's shoulder and smiled. Tang Jie thought Qin Shan would comfort him, but Qin Shan's words almost made him vomit blood.

"You are right. You are indeed a bit touching. In the future, you can only conquer women with your strength."

(End of this chapter)

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