Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 117 The Monster Beast Attacks

Chapter 117 The Monster Beast Attacks
After learning about the current situation in Chuanjun, Qin Shan's expression became serious, because the situation was more serious than expected. The monster beast tide once every five days has now become once every three days, which means that Chuanjun has always been Be prepared for the attack of the monster wave.

After understanding the basic situation, Qin Shan came near the city gate of "Meicheng" in Sichuan County. At this time, the place was dilapidated, and the tall city walls were riddled with holes everywhere. Even the inside of the city was attacked, and there were injuries everywhere. soldiers and people.

"The situation in Meicheng is very bad now. Nearly half of the defenders have been injured, and the rest are exhausted. If it continues to drag on, it will completely collapse after a few more attacks by monsters. At that time, the entire Chuan County will suffer from monsters. The attack of the tide, His Royal Highness, I express my admiration for you personally coming to my subordinates, but what Chuan County needs most now is a large army, otherwise it will not be able to deal with the attack of the monster tide." Jiang Wu, the prefect of Chuan County, said with a wry smile.

"Yes, His Royal Highness, even if you come here in person, the current bad situation cannot be changed. Chuan County urgently needs a huge army to deal with the tide of monsters, otherwise it will not be able to stop the attacks of monsters." The deputy beside the prefect said.

"The arrival of His Highness the Crown Prince can at most improve the morale of the soldiers, but it will not achieve any practical effect. What Chuan County needs most at present is manpower. Without manpower, we are finished." The other generals also said, their faces were full of have no choice.

For them, Qin Shan's arrival didn't mean much at all, because in their view, Qin Shan could not have much effect by himself, no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't resist the tide of thousands of monsters.

Looking at the frustrated generals, Qin Shan knew that they were demoralized and needed to regroup.

Qin Shan jumped onto the highest point of the city wall, then glanced at the defenders around the city, and shouted loudly: "All the soldiers who defend the city, I am the crown prince of the Shengtian Dynasty. Now Meicheng and even the entire Sichuan County are suffering from the black mist forest demon. Beast attack, facing a huge predicament, at this time I need you to unite, in order to defend the people behind us, bravely resist the attack of monsters!"

However, Qin Shan's words did not arouse any reaction at all, and the defenders were still lifeless, and many of them even rolled their eyes.

Seeing these soldiers rolling their eyes one by one, Qin Shan was also speechless for a while.

Well, our speech eloquence is indeed not good, and we still can't do the technical work of passionate speech.

"Okay, tell me what you think, just say whatever you want." Qin Shan said, looking at the soldiers guarding the city around him.

"Your Highness, are you sure you can say anything?" a soldier asked timidly.

"That's right, even if you look down on the prince, you can say whatever you want, and say what's on your mind." Qin Shan nodded.

"His Royal Highness, since you have said this, then I will speak my mind. I think it is useless to boost our morale. We are in short supply now, and there are countless casualties. Another wave of monsters may dry up. I also want to resist the attack of monsters and save the people, but I can't do it at all." The soldier gritted his teeth.

Qin Shan didn't get angry, and continued, "What else?"

Seeing that Qin Shan was not angry, the other soldiers followed suit; "His Royal Highness, we need men and horses, and the current people can't stop the monsters at all!"

"Yeah, there are still supplies, and we can't carry them anymore."

"Too many people have been injured here. If there is no army of hundreds of thousands, it will not be able to resist the next attack of monsters."

"His Royal Highness, I don't think you can solve the monster's attack by yourself."


With the first person taking the lead, all the soldiers behind followed suit. In their view, Qin Shan's arrival would not change the status quo at all, and was useless.

Jiang Wu, the prefect of Chuan County, was in a cold sweat at this time, I am so stupid, these bastards really dare to say that they dare to speak so bluntly in front of His Highness the Crown Prince, isn't this a blatant mockery of the Crown Prince, do they even want to live?

"You little bastards, go back to your own positions, and dare to speak rudely to His Royal Highness, be careful that I will dispose of you all!" Jiang Wu yelled at the soldiers around him.

Qin Shan waved his hands and said indifferently: "Jiang Taishou, don't be so excited. What they said has some truth, but it's not completely correct. The prince is not alone, there are them."

As he spoke, Qin Shan pointed to Daji and Tsunade beside him.

Hearing Qin Shan's words, everyone was even more speechless.

This is just a joke. With two women, there are only three people. What is the difference from one person?
But the prefect has already lost his temper, and the soldiers dare not do it again.

Rumbling... Suddenly, a roar sounded from far and near.

At this time, the soldiers on the watchtower on the city wall were full of fear in their eyes, and shouted to the bottom.

"His Royal Highness, the prefect is not good, a large area of ​​monsters are attacking again!"

"My God! This number is more than the previous waves!"

Hearing the shouts of the soldiers on the watchtower, everyone looked at the dark cloud-like wave of monsters in the distance, and became cold from head to toe.

"It's over, it's over, it's dead this time, and the number is so huge!" Desperation welled up in everyone's hearts.

Qin Shan looked over, and saw that the wave of monsters in the distance had become one, a large area of ​​black paint, at least thousands of them, and many of them were huge monsters. Such a huge group of monsters could be compared to ten It is indeed very difficult for Wan Dajun to deal with Meicheng's current state.

"The whole army listens to the order, take up the weapons in your hands, and fight off the tide of monsters together with the prince!" Qin Shan shouted loudly, taking out the Heaven Slashing Sword.

"Obey..." the defenders behind the city shouted feebly one by one.

Qin Shan shook his head, well, he can only rely on himself to repel the wave of monsters this time, these soldiers are all discouraged.

The speed of the monsters was very fast. After a few minutes, Qin Shan had already seen their faces. Most of them were first-rank monsters, there were also a lot of second-rank monsters, and there were also third-rank monsters.

"Roar!" In the center of the monsters, a third-grade monster 'Golden Lion' roared wildly, ordering other monsters to attack.

On the city wall, the archers of the defending army kept shooting, but the first group of second-grade monsters, the Rigid Bears, blocked all the attacks, and quickly rushed under the city wall.

"Tsunade, it's up to you!" Qin Shan shouted to Tsunade beside him.

"Leave it to me!" Tsunade nodded, and then jumped from the city wall.

"Baihao's art, strange power and strong fist!"

After jumping off the city wall, Tsunade instantly released the power of the seal in his body, and then concentrated all of it in his right fist, and then punched in the center of the hundreds of burly bears in the front.


(End of this chapter)

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